Thursday, March 11, 2010

Krissy Fizer (8 week challenger)

I recently had my 3rd baby which is a bundle of joy, but gaining 65 pounds is not exactly joyous! When I think about losing 65 pounds I tend to get very overwhelmed. That is why this 8 week challenge is perfect for me. Taking it 8 weeks at a time is how I am doing this, alot less overwhelming. I have gained and lost this much weight twice before so I am becoming pretty familiar to this routine.

This is what I do:
I work out 4-6 times a week, usually 1 - 2 hours a day. I have a gym membership with unlimited daycare. So putting my kids in the daycare is fun for me and them! It gets us out of the house. My favorite classes are step, bootcamp, muscle pump, and spinning. I do 3 - 4 classes a week which are an hour long .If you haven't done any of those classes I highly recommend them. I typically do those classes in the morning. Then in the evening I bust out my p90x for an awesome, butt kicking workout at home. I only do that about 2 - 3 times a week ,so I need to get better at making that my daily routine. If I am not at a gym class in the morning I am running either outside or on the treadmill. Right now I can run up to 5 miles before I feel like I am completely DONE. My speed is nowhere near what I want it to be but that will come in time. Running is a passion of mine, such a great stress reliever. That about sums up my excersize routine.

Now onto the nutrition part of all of this. I must say that this is more a challenge to me than working out. I love Carbs! What I have been doing is eat 3 healthy meals that are about 300 calories each. I am a huge fan of lean cuisines. Quick and easy, my kind of meal! Then I try to eat 2-3 small snacks such as string cheese, yogurt, or fruit. 1200 calories is what I aim for in a day. On top of that I drink lots of water. On Sundays I give myself a "free day". It keeps me from getting drained from all this dieting..

I love this 8 week challenge. It keeps me motivated and excited to see my results. My goal in this 8 challenge is to push myself as far as I can go.Unfortunately, losing 65 pounds is not gonna happen in 8 weeks. Wouldn't that be sweet! So I will continue this challenge for as long as it takes me to lose my weight!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!You really bust a move and work hard.Way to go!!
