Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Keep your chin up

Scott Schwab:

The post today will be dedicated to getting out of the funk that we sometimes slide, slide slippiddy slide, into. It seems that everyone will have the experience with feeling the blues, weather related lows, and even all out attacks on our commitment and goals. Not to fear! I think that I have the secret formula with beating them all. I know there is the cliche that attitude is everything, but I believe it and experienced it yesterday. My workout was not effective yesterday. As some of you know I am trying to get ready for a speed triathlon next month that I am starting to stress about. I have had no training outside the gym and there are elements that are telling me it is not a good idea to try the race. Furthermore, my favorite bike was out of commission, I forgot my swimming suit, and to make matters worse the bike I was on had a defect that as I rode, it continued to turn until I was basically hitting the person next to me with my petals. Additionally if it couldn't get any worse, the bike magically shut off half way through, and my i-pod would randomly have bursts of sound that almost made my ear drums break and fall off the treadmill. The killer to all motivation, inspiration, and true happiness is that element that tells you not to try new things, experience life, and forgo opportunity. I have named mine Globby. The reason being is that I want to be able to address my personal inhibition without talking myself down and feeling worse. We all realize that we have weaknesses, character flaws, and yes even issues. However, being able to distinguish those thoughts and direct the energy to a fictional character (globby), allows me to turn him off and push harder. It sounds so weird and you may be thinking it is time for me to see a doctor. However, I would challenge you to try it. Give a name to that black hole that has sucks us all in and prevents us from achieving our goals, dreams, and ultimately living our lives. In the future you will be able to separate your feelings from the globby like feelings and punish those thoughts into remission. My workout was completely different today and I feel that it is because I made the decision to have a good workout no matter what. This relates in life and even if you do not want to have a fictional character to compete against, here are some other ways to snuff out the negativity.

1) Take a break (mentally, physically, or even spiritually). It is helpful to get your barrings and look past the stresses that will slow you down.

2) Fresh air. It is a fact that time in clean, natural air will relieve stress and pressure that we all feel. Take a moment to go on a walk.

3) Eliminate dependencies. Eliminating the giants in our life that take precedence over what we truly want to do. This is a big one and will take much time, focus, and attention. The secret to eliminating dependencies though, is all mental and a hint of replacement will do the body good.

4) Take time for you. It is important to make time for the things that you enjoy to do and do them often. We all are very busy and have little time for us. However, it is the one thing that will continue to give back to you time and time again.

5) Love. It may sound weird, but love something, someone, and especially your self. You must accept yourself and love who you are and why you are unique. This is one area that also can take time, healing, and at times professional help. Life is to short to be bitter and upset. Leave the negative behind and look forward with love for all.

1 comment:

  1. Wow- I love the idea of giving the inner demons a name to distinguish them from myself. I hereby dub my simple sugar addiction, 'Drizella.'

    Get thee behind me, Drizzella!!!
