Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chiropractors or not?????

Scott Schwab:

I have had different opinions in life that the body aligns itself naturally and that there is not a lot of need for manual adjustment. I have personally challenged many on the subject of whether or not Chiropractors actually help, or create a continual need that can only be filled by a chiropractor. As a basis to start I must say that I grew up in a home where my dad was a Physical Therapist. Additionally he did not believe in going to the doctor (funny huh). My brother Travis has such a sensitive Achilles heal that if you touch it expect a battle. He broke his ankle when he was younger and my dad said he didn't need to worry about it and just walk it off. I had a similar experience when I broke my wrist skiing back in the days when I would rock out to Wilson Phillips on the way to Kelly Canyon ski resort and it was cool. My point with all of this ranting is that my dad believed firmly that a body can better fix itself then actually going to a doctor. That is not true and was not true in all cases and obviously we were treated when we had severe pain. However; he simply believed that a body could adjust itself to alignment then having someone do that for you. There is a position in the body that your body naturally will get to and align yourself as you are healthy, happy, have good posture, and exercise! There is also a place very close, that a chiropractor can put your body into. However, being close is like horseshoes and hand grenades. This is why we have to go back again and again. To maintain that position, we have to continue to go back to someone who can put us back in position. I know there are many that do not agree and I would love to hear personal experiences and even if you have some facts to back up the reasons to go to a chiropractor. I personally saw a Chiropractor for months, when I did not have access to my dad. Very nice guy and professional. I felt great shortly after the alignment and then a week later the pain was so intense that I had to call him and be re-aligned. Eventually I had to stop going because I could not handle going back and forth. I had been in a serious car accident and separated my number 12 ligament in my neck. I finally talked to my dad and his advice was to build the muscle around the area so that the problem could remedy itself. He said many times this is the problem with visiting a chiropractor because all to often the advice is to keep getting readjusted without the strengthening of key muscles, joints, and ligaments to align the body. Now this is not the case for every chiropractor and in fact there are many who bring in the strength training and other treatments to help with the healing. My advice would be to do research before you get hooked. It is like cracking your knuckles or back. After awhile it is just a habit and it takes a lot of time and even a little discomfort to fix. I used to pop my knuckles incessantly and finally realized my problem when I was 18 and a job interview went hostile because I popped my knuckles..... Anyway let your body do the work it was intended to in most cases. I realize that there are times when the body needs professional help, but lets let our body do all that it can and avoid the problems of sore joints, muscle fatigue, and permanent and even chronic pain created by bodies that aren't strong enough to fix themselves. Exercise is the best anecdote and will provide much of what we seek from medical professionals. Here is an article that I read that was very interesting about Chiropractics.

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