Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Best exercises and foods for your body type

Ectomorphic Body Type
Since ectomorphs burn calories very quickly and tend to want to gain weight, their fitness routines will differ. Good exercise for ectomorphs includes intense weight training workouts that will tire the muscles and build them up. Weight training is also good for building bone density, which is important for women, whose bones are prone to osteoporosis. Cardiovascular exercise is still important for general health and wellbeing.

Weight training: Three times per week, targeting the upper and lower body. Perform moderate to heavy weights with a low number of repetitions (2 x 8 repetitions), as too much activity will burn lots of calories. The goal should be to try to build muscle, rather than waste calories minimizing what muscle tissue you already have.

Cardio: Thirty minutes, three times per week, of low-to-moderate intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking and swimming. Swimming is highly recommended because the water provides resistance, which is great for muscle toning.

Diet: Lucky you! Due to an extra fast metabolism, you actually need to eat more calories than people with other body types, especially if you're trying to build muscle. Don’t get too carried away, though, thinking you can eat whatever you want,making healthy choices is still important. Focus on complex carbohydrates, such as multi-grain breads, pasta and whole grains, fruit and vegetables. It’s best to eat often and snack on foods such as nuts and dried fruit.


Mesomorphs already have great muscle tone and low body fat. A balanced combination of cardio training is great for this body shape, along with resistance exercises that promote strength and flexibility.

Strength training: Yoga or Pilates, three times per week, provides muscular conditioning in a routine more likely to develop muscle tone, not size. This type of exercise will ensure a good balance between the upper and lower body, and encourage balance, stretching and flexibility.

Cardio: Circuit training (moving quickly from one exercise to the next without a break), one or two times per week, promotes strength and stamina without building bulk. Other options include boot camp, spin and step classes.

Diet: If your goal is to put on muscle, you need to consume an excess of both complex carbohydrates and protein. If you consume too many calories and don’t exercise, you will put on extra fat. Aim for lean protein, such as turkey, chicken, low-fat dairy, fish and legumes, and opt for carbohydrates with a low-glycemic index (slow-digesting), such as grainy breads, brown rice and noodles, and include healthy fats from raw nuts, olive oil, flaxseed oil and avocados


Endomorphs usually carry extra fat around the lower abdomen, hips and thighs, so the key is to start with a program that burns calories. Many endomorphs avoid weight training because they don't want to bulk up. You should not avoid weights! Since building lean muscle also burns fat, endomorphs should also include weight training in their fitness plans to give their metabolism an extra boost at the same time.

Weight training: Once or twice per week of moderate weight training, using the whole body. Use light to moderate exercises, with lots of repetitions, at a slow pace (3 x 15 repetitions) to burn extra calories. To improve body symmetry, you may want to double up on upper-body exercises. For example, push-ups, pull-downs and chin-ups.

Cardio: Thirty to 60 minutes of cardio work, three to six times per week, for maximum fat and calorie burn. Your cardio workouts should generally be done at a moderately intense level, such as brisk walking (adding hills), elliptical training, stair climbing, jogging and incline walking. Be sure to choose a safe exercise as the extra weight can cause increased pressure on joints and bones, so it is important to avoid engaging in exercises that can add stress to these areas. Also, increase incidental exercise levels by walking (instead of driving) and taking the stairs (instead of lifts or escalators). The goal should be to burn as many calories as possible.

Diet:If you eat more calories than you need to maintain your current weight, your body will store those extra calories as fat. So, you should try to lower your total calorie intake by eating five or six mini-meals per day (this also helps ward off hunger). Never wait until you’re hungry to eat and never eat until full. Instead, load up on high-fiber, low-glycemic index carbohydrates, such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrain breads, pastas and brown rice, to keep you satisfied for longer. Avoid sugar, processed food and junk food entirely. Drink enough water to stay properly hydrated. Also eat as much lean protein as possible, avoiding fatty meats and alcohol, which are high in calories.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Carry your weight

Scott Schwab:
All of our bodies are different and therefore carry weight differently. This can cause some challenges based on where you carry your weight. See below the body types and the advantages and potential risks of the body types.

Ectomorph-an individual having a type of body build in which ectodermal tissues predominate: there is relatively slight development of both the visceral and body structures, the body being linear and delicate.

•Small “delicate” frame and bone structure
•Classic “hardgainer”
•Flat chest
•Small shoulders
•Lean muscle mass
•Finds it hard to gain weight
•Fast metabolism

Endomorph-an individual having a type of body build in which endodermal tissues predominate: there is relative preponderance of soft roundness throughout the body, with large digestive viscera and fat accumulations, and with large trunk and thighs and tapering extremities.

•Soft and round body
•Gains muscle and fat very easily
•Is generally short and “stocky”
•Round physique
•Finds it hard to lose fat
•Slow metabolism

Mesomorph-an individual having a type of body build in which mesodermal tissues predominate: there is relative preponderance of muscle, bone, and connective tissue, usually with heavy, hard physique of rectangular outline

•Hard body with well defined muscles
•Rectangular shaped body
•Gains muscle easily
•Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs

Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday to Healthy again!

Chandi Schwab
It's so common for a healthy lifestyle to seem completely doable, until some sort of interruption comes along. Then, after a holiday or trip, you feel like your diet is ruined, and you don't have the desire to start all over again. The holiday season can derail the best of healthy intentions. It starts with "just one bite of this" and "maybe just one small piece of that" and can progress to wanting every sweet in sight just because it sits there and calls your name. If healthy eating is important to you, the attempt to get back to healthy eating after overindulging should be just as important. Luckily, it is doable! Here are some quick steps to help you get there:)
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, it's time to put the brakes on. The free-for-all atmosphere of too many parties, cookies and rich desserts is over. Here are some helpful tips to help us get back on the road to health and well-being.

1 Recommit to healthy eating. Put away all the cookies, candy and other treats. Out of sight is out of mind. Give away extras, and take the excess to work or to a social gathering. Embrace vegetables and whole grains again.

Realize that although mistakes were made, you have all the same reasons that you did before to value healthy eating. I like to call it getting back on track or jumping back on the band wagon.

2 Start right away. It's always easier to think you will get back to healthy eating after overindulging as long as you can do it next week, but next week it will seem just as hard as it does today. If you absolutely can't bring yourself to start eating healthy right away, set a firm date to return to your plan.

3 Make sure you have plenty of healthy food options that satisfy your cravings. For example, if you've got a sweet tooth, try to keep fruit in the house. Doing this will help you feel less deprived as you start to get back to healthy eating after overindulging.

4 Consider creating a healthy eating plan that includes the occasional indulgence. For example, if you allow yourself to eat any treat you want on holidays, or even once a week, realizing that, this has happened, won't make you feel that you have failed at healthy eating. Maybe it would be better to eat healthy food all the time, but the important thing is to make a constant effort and not become discouraged. Make your goals very specific and realistic, write them down, and post them somewhere very visible.

5 Maintain a positive attitude and get active. Increase activity and get outside and walk. Join a gym if you are not already a member of one. Exercise helps you to take a break from all the food, and it gets you moving.

Find activities to do with people that don't involve eating. If you live in a snowy area, try snow-shoeing, cross country skiing or sledding. If you live in a warmer climate, get outside and bask in the fact that you don't have to deal with snow.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Scott Schwab:
With all the shopping and events for the day after, it is important how you spend your day. Did you know that about 40% of people who report stuffing themselves or maybe better said, overeating; experience sickness. Everything from flu like symptoms, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches. Let's explore the reasons why this may be.
Often times when eating Thanksgiving foods, the mentality is to see how much we can eat Rather than giving thanks for the food we have. Moderation is essential in all situations. This also is not represented by our normal eating. The reason for this is our meal usually includes family or friends and in a setting where it is more of a sit down meal, many courses, and deserts. The fact that many of us go back for seconds and thirds, plus including deserts starts to represent challenges. Not to mention the soda and the snacks set out for plenty of grazing.
Our bodies are amazing and get used to the cycle we usually choose. That goes with the food we eat, the exercise we do or don't do, and the lifestyles we live. When we change that, even for a day, will change how our bodies digest. More than anything, the sickness that we feel deals with the slowing of our metabolism. When we overeat, we simply stuff to much into a system that is not adequate to accept the higher volume. Imagine a conveyor belt system that is flowing and plugs up at a certain point and shuts down the entire system.
Two more factors are oxygen and liquid. Imagine that same example with the flow of a product, when things get backed up and shut down the flow of oxygen to our brain and the flow of oxygen through our blood is slowed. This causes the headaches, the drowsiness, and irritability. Fatigue is naturally caused by tryptophan, but a more serious issue is the problems that come from overeating. Finally, think of your stomach as a ballon and realize the more we eat, the more our stomachs expand and press on organs and rib cage, which will bring the discomfort on our stomach and again shortness of breath. We do not drink enough H2o which helps with the oxygen equation and aids the digestive process naturally.

In Conclusion:
Plan for next year to not put yourself into the same situation by making adjustments. Also one thing I have left out that family gatherings can and will bring shared bugs that bring some of those symptoms we talked about. Overeating is the majority cause of why people feel the way they feel, but know that often times when families get together sickness can happen. Drinking plenty of water, taking your daily vitamin, and exercising, will help you in any kind of circumstance, especially the holidays.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Guest Post

Stacy Michaels:

“DIET” that mythical word for Long Term Weight Loss

That age old question, “Does Diet work?” My answer to that is, “depends on what circumstances you are using it.” Let me clarify….If you are dieting for a short term goal/event but know that once the event is over you will slowly go back to your start out weight. Then, yes, diet is the way to go. For instance, diets work great for any sports competition like wrestling or boxing when your weight determines the class you will be competing. Or, if you compete in figure or bodybuilding competitions and need to lean down to get your physique in its tip top form. But “diet” is a short term weight loss with the risk of possible extra weight gain in the near future. I will often have potential clients ask me, “So will you be putting me on a special diet?” I reply, “Absolutely not!!! My goal is for you to have a healthier lifestyle and long term weight loss.
”Let me explain how………..We are creatures of habit, ruled by patterns and certain choices. If we were to go to the grocery store once a week, your shopping cart would have different items in it than mine or your neighbors. And each week, you would most likely have the same items in your cart as the week before. In order for you to get long term weight loss you need to make small changes in the choices you are making in your food items. Baby steps! Make one change and do it for one to two months until a new habit is created, then choose another change and do that for the next couple of months. By the end of one year you will have made at least 6 major changes in your eating habits which in turn will lead to body changes. But don’t try to do too much too soon, be patient, work on one change at a time. This will lead to long term weight loss and a much healthier lifestyle.

Suggestions on changes to make:
- Minimize your eating out. If you are someone who eats out often, then you take away the control of what is being put in your foods and calories you are in taking. Try to bring prepared food from home more often and check the nutritional guidelines on the places you frequent out to make better choices. (often available online)
- Minimize your gluten intake - You can familiarize yourself with foods that contain gluten by doing research online. There is now amply amounts of gluten free food items being sold in all major grocery stores, from Walmart, Target, local grocery stores, etc. You can substitute pasta for rice pasta, cooks and tastes the same. Rice crackers, gluten free bread, gluten free pancake mix & muffin mix, etc. Also, many of your restaurants are now offering gluten free menus, you just need to ask.
- Stop drinking soda - Find other beverages to quench your thirst. Even diet soda is harmful to our bodies, they contain aspartame. You are better off with drinks being sweetened with cane sugar or organic sugar, it’s all natural and the body metabolizes it better. Most of all make WATER your favorite and common fluid. If the body does not get enough daily water your metabolism will slow down. Half your body weight in ounces of water is optimum.
- Keep your daily SUGAR intake to 30/40 grams - Sugar that is not burned off throughout the day will turn to fat. This means all sugar! Not just sugar put in your coffee or in sodas or desserts but all sugar needs to be accounted. This is to include, fruit, fruit juices, sugar in food items, etc. This is when reading your label comes into place. Look at the “nutritional fact” labeled on your foods and see how many grams of sugar are in each serving.
- Try to choose organic foods – Foods that are organic are easier for your body to metabolize. The fewer chemicals put in your body the better. Buy organic fruits and vegetables, buy meats & dairy that are not given antibiotics or hormones.
- Try not to use your microwave - Try to cook foods from scratch or fresh, reheat food in a skillet or pot on the oven or with a toaster oven. Microwaveable foods are highly processed and chemically induced, leaving very little room for nutritional value. Make dinner in a crock pot, for time efficiency. Use old fashioned rolled oats that you cook on the stove or steel cut oats.
- Make sure that you are always marrying a protein with a carbohydrate in all meals - If you are not sure which food is protein or carbohydrate, then do some research on the Internet. Keeping a good amount of protein married with your carbohydrate keeps the sugar levels in your body more balanced and sustaining. Meaning you will be less hungry throughout the day.
- Be sure to eat SOMETHING for BREAKFAST- Breakfast literally means “breaking the fast”, your body needs food after going many hours since your last meal. Eat something every morning to get your metabolism going. It can be as little as a piece of fruit with a string cheese, sliced apple with peanut butter, eggs with gluten free toast, Greek yogurt with a fruit, gluten free toast with peanut butter, etc.
- Try not to eat after 7 pm – Dinner should be a light meal, mostly consisting of protein and vegetables. Try not to have a heavy, complex carbohydrate late in the day.
This is where it all begins……….pick ONE thing to change and work on it, stick with it, be disciplined for 1 to 2 months. This will get you on the path to a better, healthier life. Remember Baby Steps……..But make a change!

Stacy Michaels
Business Owner/Personal Trainer/Fitness Model

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let the voting begin

Scott Schwab:
Time to vote. Scroll through the participants below and choose the male and female that you feel best represents their goals and progress based on their achievements. Voting will go until December 1st and then winners will be crowned.
To everyone traveling, do so safely. To everyone, have a great Holiday and enjoy the blessings that you have. This is a great time to give thanks and reflect upon how many things we have.
Tomorrow we will be doing a guest post of Stacy Michaels, personal trainer, fitness model, and competitor will post about health, fitness, and diet. A post that is really well put together and makes a lot of sense.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

8 week challengers

Mackenzie Peterson



I can do hard things. I now know what a strong person I can be. I know that if I set goals and am determined to achieve something, that I CAN do it! I feel good about my accomplishments! I feel I am such a stronger person physically and spiritually. I loved getting up and starting my day out reading my scriptures. This helped to guide my day and set me straight right off the bat. I loved the person it molded me into each day. I was a better mom and wasn't so grouchy, because I was waking up before the monkeys. I don't like to be woken up, so it was awesome to wake up earlier and get my day going. I have had spiritual experiences along this journey and know it was from being so diligent in my study. I'll admit I did drink pop a few times. What can I say I love it. Date nights have been so nice to add into our routine. It helps us to focus on each other and its so nice to get out of the house without kiddos! I enjoyed exercising and doing it because I want to be healthy and get into shape. I changed my mindset about exercising and it really paid off. I would wake up and couldn't wait to go sweat it out exercising! The results were definitely worth all the work, and sweat. I lost inches all over. I lost 1 1/2 inches in both thighs, 1 in in my rib cage. 1 1/2 in my hips, nothing as far as my rear goes......what can I say I have a booty. I also lost 8lbs. I am also so proud to say that I AM NOW IN JEANS THAT ARE BEFORE KIDS!!! I am so excited about it, and feel good! I am so glad I went on this journey and held myself accountable to achieve my goals. And help to keep a healthy lifestyle going. The picture is in my PRE BABY JEANS!!

Jason Hall



(1) I met my spiritual goal by reading all of the conference talks from the Fall conference online.
(2) I now weigh 198 lbs. (in the mornings.)
(3) I have changed my diet habits in a few ways. I eat smaller portions, and at work I am sticking to green machine drinks with some portions of protien. I have NOT stuck to a regular exercize program however. My weight loss came in most part to my diet change. Not to say I havent exercized...just not that much.

Monday, November 21, 2011

8 week challengers

Andrea Wilson



So, I'll start with the good news. I lost 15 pounds! I know I didn't meet my goal of 25 pounds but any improvement should be celebrated, right? Also, i was perfect on my reading. I read at least a book a week:) Food has been my biggest weakness. I do so well all day then when I get home all my good intentions go out the window so that's something I'll have to overcome during my next 8 week challenge. I did well on the not eating out goal off and on. When I did stick to it I saved so much money! I wasn't perfect on sticking to an hour of tv a day. I did notice that it's a lot easier not to overeat when you're not sitting in front of the boob tube all night so that'll definitely be something I continue to try to improve upon! I have been doing really well in the exercise department. I can tell such a difference in my energy level and mood compared to the days I missed! Now if I could just get the food thing under control I'd be

Jenny Wilcox



I ate at least two servings of fruits and veggies a day and felt amazing! However, I did not eat balanced zone meals... But I still managed to lose 10 pounds.

I practiced cello basically every day and got the trio up and running. It's called pedals and pegs and we already have a paying gig coming up.

I did not finish reading the physical anthropology book, but I read 5 other books in the meantime.

I read scriptures every day, and often with preach my gospel. I need to start doing more topical studying than chronological.

I exercised six days for at least 30 minutes. Aka I went on walks. I should amp it up to more concentrated workouts, but it's more comfortable to just walk. :)

I am so glad I participated because I was in a lazy, unmotivated, binging rut before we started. It got me to choose the healthier option, and I hope I continue to improve.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
The quote today is meant to incorporate the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. I know that there are many struggles in the world today. I read an article published by a University of Indiana professor about our society and it made me sick.
The article pointed out that never in the history of America, have adolescents been more unhealthy and more unprepared for the challenges of life than now. Suicide is now the leading cause of death among adolescents. Since the 50's teen pregnancy is up 600% and 85% of those young men eventually leave the young women to raise the child and deal with the responsibility on their own. What our world needs, is to focus on character and to be accountable for our own actions.
Eventually, if we can get to the point of being completely accountable for everything that we do, others do, and what happens to us, we can eliminate victim minded thinking. Which, if done, we can incorporate the highest level of happiness, self actualization, and action that people can have. We act rather than be acted upon. So let us be grateful for who we are, what we have become, and what we have, even with the multitude of weaknesses that we have.

"Make it a habit to tell people thank you.
To express your appreciation,
sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.
Truly appreciate those around you,
and you'll soon find many others around you.
Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it."

-Ralph Marston-

Saturday, November 19, 2011

8 week challengers

Ashley Ludlow




Wow! This year has been so good to me. I was looking back at my first before photo back in February, and I cannot believe how far I've come! I know I have more weight to shed and I definitely have more room to grow personally, but seeing where I came from is a real motivator. I lost a little more weight these 8 weeks, but I've been a little stuck in the biggest plateau yet. I can't wait to break through it this next month even though it's the holidays. I've really learned a sense of moderation in all things. I really love the book "I Can Make You Thin." by Paul McKenna. He talks a lot about creating conscious eating habits. Imagine every meal is it's own event. You sit down, all attention on what you're eating and enjoying and savoring every bite. Cutting out all distractions is key! I really believe that if I can focus in on this conscious way of eating every time I sit down to a meal, I'll be able to balance out at a healthy body weight. Moderation is my new motto!

One of my biggest challenges throughout the entire time I've participated in these Mixer's Nutrition challenges has been meeting my goal of going to bed early. I know it can help assist in weight loss, yet every night I seem to find an excuse to be up late. I'd really like to conquer that this next time around.

I've taken great strides in my journal writing and in personal development. I even recorded my first song during this last challenge. (You can listen to it here: I feel so pleased with how far I've come in business and in personal strength. Having my husband gone this year has given me a lot of time by myself (except the kids running around!), and I feel like having that time to myself has really helped me uncover the things about me I've wanted to change. I feel like a new person, and I can't wait to finally reunite with my husband next month! (He's been serving in the Army in South Korea for 12 months.) I'm excited to start a new adventure with him by my side and work together with him to reach our health and fitness goals!

I'm so thankful I was referred to your blog so I could participate in these challenges. It's like a constant reminder to be choosing healthy foods and to stay active. Thank you so much! I hope everyone has a fun and healthy Thanksgiving next week.

Friday, November 18, 2011

8 week Challengers

Scott Schwab



This challenge has been a great wake up call. My goals were aligned exactly with what I wanted to accomplish. However, some of the goals I struggled with more than others. My weight did not change. Half way through the challenge I was in a great situtation to be at my desired weight, but the last week I gained 10 pounds! Yes 10 pounds. I guess the bear in me started hybernation before I was ready.
With reading books, I did complete my goal. I started listening to books on planes, trains, and automobiles. Well not trains, but anyway, it was much easier to get through books and my retention seemed to be ok. I would like to implement writing my findings down in a notebook or journal so I can retain more. I do enjoy music and struggled with not listening while in the car. I find that for me, music is very soothing and motivating. So although I spent the majority of my time listening to books on CD, I also listened to music in moments of weakness.
Serving people outside of my family happened, but not everyday unless you count smiles and hugs. Just kidding. I tried, but realized I can serve more and will continue to attempt to be more considerate and aware of those around me. Texting was good, and I made improvements. I regret to admit that I have not quit cold turkey, but I am much better. It is not worth the risk, so my goal is to be perfect.
I look forward to a holiday season and break. NOT a break from my lifestyle, but I have some personal goals that I would like to achieve outside of the blog. However, I will be ready to get my game on starting in January for the next challenge. Make it a goal now to join us and recruit others so you are more accountable and it is more fun for all of us. We do want to do weekly check in's as we have found that people do good for a couple weeks to four weeks and then desire fades. Let us know what you think of this idea.

Chandi Schwab



This eight week challenge has gone really well in some aspects and not so well in others. I didn't make any goals with my eating and it has been the worst it has been in awhile. I always justify and convince myself that I work out hard enough to eat whatever I want, but the truth is that it really effects my performance. So my next challenge will include beter eating. On the plus side, I have been working out great and swimming more. Not always swimming 2 times a week but as much as I can. I have also been running with other girls and it has been a lot of fun! Makes my early cold winter runs easier to bare. Boston training starts next month!!!
Taking the time to spend "quality time" with the kids individually is nice,and I can see a difference in them. There is always room for improvement though.I am excited to hit my training hard, time for new running shoes:)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

8 week challengers

Nate and Tammie Bateman
We didn't do that great at keeping up with the challenge... I didn't ever get our picures taken. I did however lose around 5 lbs but Nate stayed the same... we have had success with having family prayer which is awesome. To a better next time!!

Jessica Taylor


coming soon

8 weeks. The last 8 weeks have been a challenge. No change here with my weight. I have noticed I have been sleeping a lot more when I am home. I have been traveling so much that sometimes I don’t even know when, what, where. I feel ok. This one has been probably the most challenging. I feel more responsibility then ever both professionally and personally. I think I just need to relax and not put so much pressure on myself.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here are your 8 week challengers

Julina Hall



As of this final post, I weigh 113.3 and 19.3% body fat! I began weighing 122.5, with 22.5% body fat. That's a loss of 9.2 pounds and 3.2 % body fat.

My goal was to weigh 110 and have 20% body fat by the end of the 8 weeks. Although I didn't reach my weight number goal, I am very pleased with lowering my body fat percentage. I feel like I made great strides in the beginning, but then tapered off and hit a plateau. That's mostly because I started out with such great momentum, and then got lazy! But looking back over what I did, here are things that I KNOW made a huge difference for me:
•Cleanse- I mentioned before that I tried to keep my diet vegan, no dairy or meat. I know this was crucial in helping me lose these last 10 pounds that I've been carrying since college. I can tell that my body is Lactose-Intolerant, because; Boy, do I ever bloat the second I eat some cheese or milk! I haven't been perfect with it, but I can safely say that my diet is close to 90% Vegan. And I haven't focused on what I don't eat- but what I DO get to eat, which is tons of vegetables! I can tell a huge difference in my energy levels when I start my day out with a green smoothie. I also have learned to get more protein from beans and lentils. I just feel clean inside- I don't know how else to describe it.
•Crio Bru- I don't want to sound like a commercial but I found this really great product that I've been using pretty consistently these 8 weeks and I know it has made a big difference. Its ground up pure cocoa beans that can be brewed just like coffee. I use a French press and mix it with delicious Aveda herbal tea. It tastes like a sweet spicy chocolate peppermint tea. But the great thing about it, as I was doing research on Crio Bru, there are enzymes in it that inhibit fat from being absorbed and stored in your body. The enzyme attaches onto a fat molecule and naturally flushes it from your system, so that fat you do eat - less of it gets stored on your gut! I originally drank it for the natural energy it gave me- which it does, without any of the jittery-ness I get from caffeine. I have mostly drunk it first thing in the morning these 8 weeks and I know it has helped me lose this weight. Of course I have been exercising and eating well too, but I notice this helps me with energy to work out at a higher intensity, which burns more fat!
•Dinner at 4:30pm - We started eating dinner between 4 and 4:30pm just because my children were starving when they got home from school and this was the ideal time to get them to actually eat a lot of vegetables! But what it did for me- I noticed that if I ate my last meal of the day that early , and didn't eat anything (other than a small piece of fruit if I was really hungry), I slept better and didn't feel heavy and sluggish. I noticed the nights I did that well, I was much happier with the results I saw on the scale the next morning.
Of course I haven't always been perfect at doing these things. The weekend hits and for some reason I equate food with entertainment Friday thru Sunday! I'm still working on that, how to change those habits. But the more healthy I eat, the less enticing junk food and sugar becomes to me. And that is very exciting- that it may not be sheer will power alone that can get me off the white devil sugar addiction, but greens and beans filling me up, turning me into a Clean Food Snob! That is so much easier!
My Spiritual Goal of reading my scriptures every day- well, I have been hit and miss on that unfortunately. I did finish the Audio Book of Mormon, that has been a great experience! I just barely started a new audio religious education lecture series on the life of Christ. I think this is just the best way to get my scripture study in right now- to listen to them while I'm driving. But hey, I'm counting it!
This has been wonderful to share this experience with someone who might actually be reading it! I feel like having a peer support group- even though I don't really know most of you, has made a difference! I want to do the next challenge, just for that social accountability alone!

Mark Pittard



My goals were pretty simple. I wanted to lose 10 pounds and turn a lot of the unwanted fat to muscle. It seems that as I have gone through my twenties that the pounds just keep packing on. I am extremely busy with school, work, and other responsibilities, but it is not an excuse but my reality.
I also set a goal to run 4 times a week. I Wasn't able to accomplish this goal and found that I was to busy with school and work. Life has a funny way of making you choose between a lot of alternatives. Many times they are both good choices. I am trying to implement good, better, best decisions and holding myself accountable.
I was doing extremely well with the eight week challenge the first four weeks, but the last four weeks I struggled to balance the time. Overall I wasn't satisfied with my results. I Need to do better on the next challenge and will try and make it through the Holidays without putting on excess weight.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why soaking nuts and seeds is so beneficial

Chandi Schwab
Before you dub this post BORING give it a read, it is actually a pretty fascinating article. If you enjoy snacking on nuts and seeds like me ,and want to find out how to get 600 times the nutrients check this out!

Nature has set it up so that the nut, grain and seed may survive until proper growing conditions are present. Nature’s defense mechanism includes nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances that can be removed naturally when there is enough precipitation to sustain a new plant after the nut, grain or seed germinates. When it rains the nut, grain or seed gets wet and can then germinate to produce a plant. So we are mimicking nature when we soak our nuts, grains and seeds.

Why soak nuts, grains and seeds?

◦To remove or reduce phytic acid.
◦To remove or reduce tannins.
◦To neutralize the enzyme inhibitors.
◦To encourage the production of beneficial enzymes.
◦To increase the amounts of vitamins, especially B vitamins.
◦To break down gluten (grains) and make digestion easier.
◦To make the proteins more readily available for absorption.
◦To prevent mineral deficiencies and bone loss.
◦To help neutralize toxins in the colon and keep the colon clean.
◦To make your belly happy.

What’s the problem with enzyme inhibitors?

They clog, warp or denature an active site of an enzyme. They may also bind to the enzyme, which will prevent the intended molecule from binding. Bad news for your digestion, especially if you continually eat unsoaked nuts, seeds (or grains). When you soak and release these inhibitors, the metabolic enzymes can then help every biological process the body does – meaning, digestion is assisted because you are literally eating the enzyme that is going to help you digest.

What about phytic acid?

All grains contain phytic acid in the outer layer or bran which can block absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract. The modern day practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran (ie. sprinkled on your cereal) often improves your “transit time” initially but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and could potentially lead to other problems. Ever notice how bloated you get when you have your morning dry cereal?

Soaking times vary. Typically the more dense the nut, the longer the soaking time.

Directions for Soaking

A.Rinse your nuts or seeds.
B.Place them in a glass bowl and completely submerge with filtered water (approx. 2x the amount of water to nuts)
C.Once they have soaked for the appropriate amount of time (for instance, I soak almonds overnight) rinse well and enjoy immediately or include in your recipe.
Caution: Be sure to discard the water because it contains the enzyme inhibitors.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Last day of the 8 week challenge

Scott Schwab:
The challenge ends today and it is a great time to reflect on what you have achieved and what could be improved upon. What ways have you changed your lifestyle? The greatest challenge that we face, and not just in exercise and healthy living, is implementation. That is why for anything to become real and lasting, it must be a lifestyle change that is reflected through all areas of your life.
Achievement, is not only about belief, but that is where it starts. You must believe and then get to work. If you were not able to be where you would like to be, that is ok, you learned, you grew, and hopefully can continue to implement the best strategy for your life. We want to congratulate everyone who participated, whether you were a challenger or not. Challengers send in your pictures and results paragraph or bullet points and we will start the voting by the weeks end.
We will hold off on another challenge until the first of the year. With the concept of implementation being so important, we want everyone to test themselves during the holiday months. We will still post articles and suggestions for health but the official challenge will wait until January 2012. Feel free to implement your own challenges and goals. Do not stop the habit of setting goals and improving incrementally. Holidays are difficult and gatherings will continue to challenge each of us. However, don't let the Holidays take control of you, you control your holidays by what you do. All things in moderation, drink plenty of water, and exercise like crazy.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chandi Schwab
There are many different points of view when it comes to diet and exercise and living a healthy lifestyle, here are a few Healthy Facts VS Myths for you to check out!

1. "Strength training will bulk me up."
First, let's tackle the myth that a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. A pound is a pound is a pound, whether it's made up of muscle or fat. That said, muscle is more dense than fat and takes up less room, so two women who weigh the same can look much different if you have a higher ratio of lean muscle mass to fat. Muscle weight is a good weight because you look firmer, smaller, and more fit.Just having more muscle will boost your metabolism throughout the day to help keep you leaner.

2. "I exercise every day, so I can eat whatever I want."
The sad truth:(Even though I do this all the time) Even if you work out religiously, going to power pump several times a week and sweat it out in Spin class, doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want and still expect to lose weight. This may seem obvious, but the desire to reward a workout well done is natural; after all, you endured those endless squats so you deserve an extra slice of pizza (or three), right? Not if you're trying to lose weight. Even though you burn calories and fat when you exercise, it's often not as much as you think-or what the readout on the treadmill tells you.
Try eating 250 fewer calories per day and aiming to burn an extra 250 calories a day; that creates enough of a calorie deficit to achieve an average weight loss of a pound a week.

3. "It's harder for women to lose weight than for men."
Okay, this one has some basis. Biologically, men are built with more lean muscle mass than women are, meaning his metabolism is working at a 5 to 10% higher rate (even if he's the same height and weight as you) when you're lying on the couch together. Annoying, isn't it?

Another challenge women face is that we generally have more body fat than men do, and our bodies are more inclined to store it. On top of that, women lose about 1/2 pound of calorie-burning muscle mass a year during perimenopause and sometimes a pound a year during menopause. You can do something about these problems, but it's going to take some work-and sweat. Add strength training to your fitness routine at least twice a week to shed fat and build lean muscle mass that will fire up your resting metabolism.

4. "All calories are equal, so it doesn't matter what I eat."

I hear this one all the time! Ever since you learned what a calorie is, you've been told that they're all alike: Whether you eat 500 calories' worth of celery stalks or chocolate donuts, your body will burn or store them equally, right? Wrong. New science shows that when it comes to weight loss, calories are nowhere near alike.

Some foods take more work to eat-and therefore burn more calories while you're digesting them. Just the act of chewing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean cuts of meat can increase your calorie burn by up to 30%! And then your stomach and intestines do their jobs. Researchers have found that women who ate the foods that required the most work had significantly slimmer waistlines than those who ate the softest, easiest-to-eat foods. The fiber and protein in such foods take so much effort to digest that your body 'doesn't absorb some of their calories. Crazy huh?

5. "Eating fat will make me fat."
Monounsaturated fats-MUFAs (pronounced MOO-fahs), for short-come from the healthy oils found in plant foods such as olives, nuts, and avocados. A report published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that a MUFA-rich diet helped people lose small amounts of weight and body fat without changing their calorie intakes. Another report found that a breakfast high in MUFAs could boost calorie burn for 5 hours after the meal, particularly in people with higher amounts of belly fat. Pair these delicious healthy fats with a reduced-calorie eating plan and you'll lose weight and reduce belly fat.

6. "Eating at night will make me gain weight."
Cutting out nighttime snacking is a popular weight loss strategy because it feels logical,eat less when you're less active. But this topic has been debated for years, it has been found that eating after 8 pm may increase the risk of obesity, but there aren't clear-cut reasons why.

It's mainly how much you eat-not when you eat-each day that affects weight gain. Many people eat at night out of boredom or other emotions instead of hunger, and they wind up consuming more calories than they need for the day,calories that are then stored as fat. Also, people who eat at night may wake up without an appetite and skip breakfast, the meal that helps control calorie intake throughout the day.

7. "Drinking a ton of water will help me drop pounds."
A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study found that people who regularly drink water eat nearly 200 fewer calories daily than those who consume only coffee, tea, or soda. And if you sip water instead of sugary drinks, the calories you've saved will help shed pounds.

Drinking ice-cold water can help you burn more calories too. German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day raised resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily-possibly because of the work it takes to warm the fluid up to body temperature. It's up to you to decide whether 50 calories is worth guzzling ice water-or whether it would be easier just to take the stairs.

8. "Weight gain and belly fat are unavoidable after 40."

Let's be honest here: You're not going to wake up on your 40th birthday with a gut and 10 extra pounds on your frame. It does get harder to lose weight as we age, but you can put some healthy habits into practice now to maintain your weight-or even lose-as the years pass by.
Fine-tune your workouts and eating habits to shed those pounds-and keep 'em off-with these tips:
• Crank it up for 10 minutes a day: In a Kaiser Permanente study, a similar group of women who exercised vigorously (by jogging, for instance) for 10 or more minutes a day had waistlines nearly 6 inches smaller than those of women who didn't raise their heart rates that high.

• Lift weights: Two or three sessions a week can help stave off age-related muscle loss, which slows your metabolism.

• Skip the refined carbs: Women whose diets were high in whole grains and fiber gained less weight than those who ate more sugar and white flour, reports a Danish study.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

At Home ABS

Chandi Schwab

Here is a quick but effective ab workout! Perfect for when you go out of town or for a quick everyday ab routine that will give you great results. I know winter is approaching and you feel like it's okay to hide behind your coat. Make it a goal to work hard on your stomach year round so you don't have to overwork yourself in the spring for swimsuit season:)Good Luck!


While on a mat or cushioned carpet, lie on your back with your arms down to your side. You can either have your head slightly off the ground looking straight up at the ceiling or head relaxed on the floor relaxed looking straight up. Your arms are by your side with palms down on the floor. Slightly elevate legs straight out up in the air. Circle your legs away from each other 20 times then circle them inward toward each other 2o times.


This is done with your body in the same position. Extend both legs up in the air the same way as before and bring your right leg straight up while the left is parrallel with the ground. Swith your legs back and forth and with each switch count it as a rep. Do this 20 times nice and slow to get the proper results.

3)Crunches with legs

*12 regular crunches

*Right leg straight up in the air 12 more

*Left leg straigh up in the air 12 more

*both legs straight up in the air 12...

*Left left straight up...

*Right leg straight up...

*both back don on the ground last 12


Lie on your tummy and prop your upper body up with your hands. Arch back and stretch your abs slowly.


Lie on your stomach and put your elbows together.prop your body up on your elbows. Your body is parallel to the ground supporting your weight on your elbows and your toes. hold it for at least 30 seconds. This is so good for your core. You will feel it. Gradually work your way up to a minute or more!

6)Side Planks

These are done the same way except your body is parallel with the wall. your body is propped on either your right elbow or you left depending on which side you are doing. Hold for 30 seconds and build from there.

I do my abs every day. I try to mix up what I do to give Variety but I see no harm in working your core every day, as long as you aren't straining your muscles too hard. Your core is your bodies foundation and most importantly needs to be strong. Remember that nutrition is so important if you want to see great results with your abs. If you put the time into scupting those muscles you want to eat well to shave off the fat that is over it so you can see all that hard work!! Drink water like crazy!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A discussion about fat

Scott Schwab:
Analyzing the experience of our friend Drew Manning, we have seen in a relatively short time how much weight can be gained. Simply eating whatever you want, with no portion control, and add in no exercise and you can be there too. Considering there are many body types as well as conditions, there is much to consider with fat.

Body fat is a compound comprised of glycerol -- a substance formed in fatty acids -- and fatty acids which is required as a concentrated energy source for our muscles. Fat is a storage substance for the body's extra calories and it fills fat cells (adipose tissue) that help insulate the body. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrates it begins to depend on the calories from fat.

This simple definition can help us understsnd a couple things. #1 what we eat makes the biggest difference to how we look. If we want to have control of the outcome, we need to control the income. Meaning the incoming of food. Portion control must be something we learn to monitor. #2 the types of food have a bearing on what your outcome will be. Again input directly effects the output. Eating foods that are high in fatty acids, sugars which is another form of sugars, starches, and carbohydrates as they break down through the Hydroxyl compound process.

Fatty acids are also fuel for our muscles. Interestingly there is to much of a good thing. The right amount of fatty acids provide us fuel for our muscles but too much starts the storing process. The other factor that creates storage is actually starving yourself. When our bodies haven't had fuel (food), our bodies preserve the fatty acids as storage to sustain our bodies. The best case scenario is to find the balance of the amount of calories our bodies need. A good benchmark for most people is 2000 calories daily.

Next, choose those calories through food and avoid liquid calories that are high in sugar. Also the consistency of small meals throughout the day are much more important than we think. Metabolisms slow as we age, so we have a better chance to maintain our health and figures by simply taking a different approach. Avoid the fats and the fats will avoid you. Exercise and burn the amount of calories you intake or more. Finally, know that you can and will accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
In response to last weeks quote, we had a reader that sent back another quote that she felt people need to hear. Often times when grieving or struggling we are told to buck up, move on, and go and turn your energy to others. All good suggestions, but only at certain times and for certain people.
We all morn differently or deal with adversity in our own unique ways. I believe there is a very real time when we should feel what our bodies and minds are trying to communicate to us through sorrow, pain, trial, and grief. Specifically, I believe the greatest earthly harmony will come when we can align our heart and our mind. The best way I think that is accomplished is feel with our minds and act with our hearts.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

-John Eldredge-

Saturday, November 5, 2011

winter is here

Scott Schwab:
As the snow fly's and the temperature drops it is key to have a backup plan for the lack of outside activity. I was asked to put together a list of a couple things that I do to try and stay slim. I am like a hibernating bear and find myself gaining a lot of weight during the holidays, except for last year. Part of that is because we did an 8 week challenge so I was more conscious. However, here are a couple of things that you can do to keep the pounds down during the winter.

I don't mean this in taking on the latest fad diet. I do not believe in diets, but I am a huge believer in lifestyle changes. Yes they are harder, yes they take more time, but yes you will get results. Results is what we all seek so make a plan and accomplish it.
- whole grains, incorporate as many whole foods, especially grains for your success.
- nuts and berries, besides antioxidants which naturally cleanse your body and strengthen your immune system, you will also get the right fats and sugars that your body will have an easier time digesting.
- Fish and chicken, eat the meets that are high in protein and low in fat. Pork is the worst meat for you, and if you can implement it, try and avoid burgers, steaks, and other meats often. Yes they have great value to implement sparingly, but too often we eat meat daily.
- Just like your mama said, eat your veggies. They have so many benefits including vitamins and minerals that naturally help your body avoid getting sick and providing you with good protein and starches that your body uses effectively.

- Find inside tasks to burn some calories. Vacuuming, folding laundry, deep cleaning base boards, washing walls are great calorie burners if you do them for about an hour.
- Push ups and sit ups are great because you can do them without having a treadmill, ball, and weights.
- Get to the gym, it is a perfect time to get a membership because of the cold. The gym gets packed, so get their and claim your machines. Have a plan before you get to the gym so you don't wander aimlessly.
- Get an exciting video like hip hop abs or Tony Little's in home workout. Just kidding, but there are some really good workouts out there like insanity, p90x, and wii fit.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The time is short

Scott Schwab:
Attention challengers, there is only approximately one week left until we get results. Now this is the time to push hard and make sure the work that you have done to this point works for you.
If you haven't done a cleanse to this point, I would recommend doing one. It is a great way to lose weight healthily and get your body in check. It will also show that when the tough gets going the going gets tough.
With the Holidays upon us, it is time to implement the good habits that will help us through the holidays. Do you know that on average most people gain between 5-15 pounds during the holidays and winter months. Part of this is due to inactivity with the weather changing, but the other part is our eating habits.
Choose to eat the things that will allow you to be. What I mean by that, is choose to eat the things that will reflect the way that you would like to look. Obviously I am not considering outside factors of parties, lifestyle, thyroid problems, weight problems. However, I do believe that a person can achieve exactly what they want to achieve by making the thing they want the most the thing they think about, dream about, and work for daily. Please do not think I am only talking about being thinner. This applies to all areas of your life.
Being happy is what is most important. Finding balance and setting goals is the way to happiness. My happiness is probably not your happiness. This is why we try and post on a wide variety of exercises, thoughts, mental health objectives, etc. To obtain results, you must sacrifice. Sometimes sacrifices are small and other times they are large. In reference to our health it usually deals with consistency with eating, time spent exercising or burning calories, and determination.
But what about this crazy busy world we live in? What about my priorities? What about being happy with relaxing? All good concerns, but not good enough to sacrifice health. As we have seen with Drew Manning, just over 6 months he has put on 60+ pounds. Incredible, when you think he has been eating like the common American with no exercise.
Take Home Message:
Make time for the things that are most important. In a U.S. Today poll given the most important thing to people polled is family and friends. Specifically associations with people who add to their quality of life. Interestingly enough quality of life stems from multiple areas, but the major factor is mobility and freedom to do. Mobility comes from exercise as well as freedom to do. Exercise is also the key to happiness through the releasing endorphins which.
In short exercise, find a way and find a time and find your motivation. Motivation is external and internal. Find both so you are more likely to succeed. Set goals that are both practical and obtainable. Then post these goals where you can see them. Next work on a schedule that will allow you to drink plenty of liquids and eat 6 times per day. In this way I can guarantee you results.
For anyone looking for ideas and for those that respond better to speaking personally about your situation and getting suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us. Drew, Chandi, and I are all willing to meet you at the gym, exchange emails, talk on the phone and help you put together a plan that works for you. We are here to help you obtain results and accomplish your goals.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Eating in Moderation

Chandi Schwab
I often get asked if I ever cheat with my eating. Here is my answer...I strongly believe in everything in moderation when it comes to dieting. That is what works for me. This is not necessarily what works for everyone else though. Many people enjoy raw foods, being a vegetarian/Vegan, low carb diets,etc... whatever it may be, they find that it works for them. I have always been a big eater and appreciator of food. I remember being 8 yrs. old and telling my aunt that I could eat 8 slices of pizza just like my age. Fortunately back then my metabolism was much higher and unfortunately I didn't care about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.(what kid does?)These days I guess you could say I pretty much follow the food pyramid. I try to always make the healthier choice and to be creative with my snacking.There are plenty of delicious healthy snacks out there.
Now back to the big question. Do I cheat? I can't call it cheating because I think it is important to enjoy lives indulgences. Some people don't, and are amazing for being able to stay away. I have some guidelines that I go by. Not always, but usually if I am offered a dessert when we are visiting people I partake.I feel like they went through the effort of making it and it could be rude to decline.(great reasoning right?) Holidays are always a free day, and other than that I just use my judgement, such as special occasions, get togethers, or if it has just been one of those days. The important thing is to always get right back on track. My normal everyday lifestyle is very health conscious, but since I workout pretty hard almost every day, I feel like that gives me some wiggle room:)I thik it is important to establish a foundation of being able to have moderation instead being too extreme either way. Establish moderation with your eating habits if you haven't already, this time of year it is especially important. Good Luck!!