Chandi Schwab
I often get asked if I ever cheat with my eating. Here is my answer...I strongly believe in everything in moderation when it comes to dieting. That is what works for me. This is not necessarily what works for everyone else though. Many people enjoy raw foods, being a vegetarian/Vegan, low carb diets,etc... whatever it may be, they find that it works for them. I have always been a big eater and appreciator of food. I remember being 8 yrs. old and telling my aunt that I could eat 8 slices of pizza just like my age. Fortunately back then my metabolism was much higher and unfortunately I didn't care about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.(what kid does?)These days I guess you could say I pretty much follow the food pyramid. I try to always make the healthier choice and to be creative with my snacking.There are plenty of delicious healthy snacks out there.
Now back to the big question. Do I cheat? I can't call it cheating because I think it is important to enjoy lives indulgences. Some people don't, and are amazing for being able to stay away. I have some guidelines that I go by. Not always, but usually if I am offered a dessert when we are visiting people I partake.I feel like they went through the effort of making it and it could be rude to decline.(great reasoning right?) Holidays are always a free day, and other than that I just use my judgement, such as special occasions, get togethers, or if it has just been one of those days. The important thing is to always get right back on track. My normal everyday lifestyle is very health conscious, but since I workout pretty hard almost every day, I feel like that gives me some wiggle room:)I thik it is important to establish a foundation of being able to have moderation instead being too extreme either way. Establish moderation with your eating habits if you haven't already, this time of year it is especially important. Good Luck!!
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