Scott Schwab:
We want to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween.
Remember, all things in moderation. Anything we eat tonight, we will have to deal with tomorrow;)
Remember to eat a good solid meal, so that you are not snacking all night long because you feel that you are not full.
Remember it is easier to have things wrapped than open in a bowl or on a counter.
Remember to drink plenty of water, as it will help you feel full.
Remember to give away extra candy so you dont have to look at it everyday for the next week.
Remember how you fealt last year after you at too much candy.
Best of luck. This is a good test for all of us including the 8 week challengers. The biggest thing to remember is that you are in control and decide what you eat!
well although halloween is over, i'm one of those people who like to have a little bowl of candy lying about the house. And unfortunately i'm the one who eats most of those candies! so i like your tip about only having wrapped ones visible... too much work to eat em!