Monday, October 10, 2011

Guest Post

Jill Nix-
I’m a happily married, mother of six, Pro NGA Figure competitor, National NPC Figure competitor, creator of Tight Body Boot Camp, Master Trainer, Group Fitness instructor, and Cross Fit Trainer, who’s passion is health and fitness.

First off, I’d like you to know I began as a depressed, teenage junk food junkie. I had breathing problems since a small child, put on medication after medication, in and out of hospitals, and at age of twelve, diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). I basically lived in a bubble, no running, not much outdoors, no activity, as these things sent me to the hospital, or so I was told, and being young, I believed what I was told.

I hit 16 years old. I was unhappy, overweight, and began questioning what I had been told. Individuals with COPD generally have a shorter life span than most. So, at age sixteen I decided I had no time to waste. I decided to go for a run, much to my mother’s dismay. I got a whole block and was rushed to the hospital. The next day, I put on my running shoes again. My mother said I was going to kill myself, in my mind I was going to die anyway, so I might
as well die trying. I got half a block before being taken to the hospital.

The doctor told me “You will never be able to run! You can’t run!” Period. In my mind, I was thinking, “What do you mean I can’t run, I just ran a half block.”

I set off again the next day. I took my meds, used my breathing machine, and inhalers, and ran from crack to crack in the sidewalk, then walked from crack to crack. It was monotonous, yet extremely hard. It’s difficult to understand how so much air can surround you, yet you just can’t seem to get enough. My mother would give me an adrenaline shot when I came home.
Eventually, I would give myself the adrenaline shots, as she was not always home.

Within six months I could jog a whole mile without stopping. Within a year, a mile and a half, and two years later, 2 miles. I began teaching at 24 Hour Nautilus as an aerobics instructor. I still took the meds. I would hide in a small room at the gym and use my breathing machine before class, my inhalers, too, and adrenaline afterwards. I was making progress.

I continued to challenge myself from that point on. I continue to challenge myself to this day. Turns out the very thing doctors told me would kill me, is what keeps me alive: Cardiovascular exercise, fresh air, and exercise in general. I began lifting weights and noticed how much stronger I felt. I began with an 8 lb. overhead tricep extension twenty-nine years ago. This week at the gym it took two men in the free weight area to hoist up a 95 lb. dumb bell so I could do my overhead triceps with it. Progress? Indeed.

I got my Bachelors degree in Natural Health, became a Master Herbalist, and graduated with my Doctorate in Natural Health. I just couldn’t get enough information fast enough. I would implement everything I learned, and got my family involved, as well.

I didn’t begin competing until after having my sixth child, less than three years ago. After being on bed rest for 5 months, and coming out 50 lbs. heavier, I wondered if I’d ever see my waist again let alone ab’s. Taking the challenge to compete was a courageous one, but also very rewarding. It’s been a very successful hobby for me. I’ve competed in at least 21 shows, and placed in all but one. I encourage everyone to take the MIXER’s 8 WEEK CHALLENGE, and then look into committing to competing in some way. It’s truly a growing experience.

Please, do not think I am boasting. I’m sharing these things with you because I want you to understand:

No matter who you are, where you’re at, or what your circumstances, you can achieve progress, and progress is progress.

If you’re reading this and doubting yourself, your abilities, or your will power….STOP! If someone told me as a teenager I would be a health nut, successful competitor, etc., I would have thought them crazy! If I continued to believe what doctors had told me, I’d probably be dead by now. YOU must take charge of yourself, and your decisions.

You see, if your mind is not in the right place, the meal plans, training programs, and fitness goals, all suffer. It’s like paddling a boat with one row. You go around and around, and around. Sure we all want a great physique, to run and not grow winded after fifty feet, to pick things up on our own, have energy to play with the kids, and health to enjoy our future and relationships, but it comes with a price, and you my friend are the only one who can pay. How much does it mean to you? You decide.

People comment about my Tight Body program, how extreme it is. Yes, it is extreme, it’s not for the weary, although some of weary begin and soon discover complaining doesn’t get them anywhere but more misery. Soon, they stop complaining, next, they realize they can do more than they thought, and eventually they look back and wonder what they were thinking. Never underestimate yourself. Begin today. Prepare. Plan. Execute.Succeed!

Feel free to look me up:

On Face Book:
Jill Nix
Tight Body 30 Day Challenge
Tight Body 90 Day Challenge


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