Saturday, October 22, 2011

Exercise while you work

Scott Schwab:
On Saturdays it is easy to get into a habit of sitting around watching football or just relaxing. However, it is a great day to get a good solid exercise in for your body. Often times Friday night is a night for going out. Realize a lot of the calories consumed on Fridays are in the form of drinks and late dinners. If we choose to do nothing on Saturday, that seemingly innocent night can really cause your body to hold onto calories and rolls into the next week.
Here are a couple of exercises that you can do, that are not going to require you to go to the gym. I have also included how many calories you will burn over an hour. On average this is based on a 150 pound person, so adjust to your weight and realize that the harder you work the better.

Vacuuming your house/car:
A great activity, especially at the weeks end. It is more beneficial if you are moving furniture as you vacuum. The bending and movement of your body will naturally burn calories. I don't know if you are like me, but for some reason every time I vacuum my car I get a little sweat going. I do think I have extra sweat glands, so that may not be your trial that you have to bear.
Calories burned: 300-350

Working outside:
While we have the good weather, it is great to get out and enjoy some sunshine and get some needed projects completed. This can be raking the leaves, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds. All of these activities require your body to move, bend, and twist. Though they are natural movements, it really burns some good calories. You can also clean the gutters, sweep the garage, wash the exterior, etc.
Calories burned: 400-450

Bike Ride:
Depending upon your will to get out and push yourself, you can really burn a lot of calories on a bike ride, especially if you wear spandex(you just go faster). In all seriousness, a leisure bike ride, is a good way to clear your mind and also burn some calories. The reason is that you are working some of the largest muscle groups. You can benefit by pushing yourself harder as you climb hills, and try terrain that will work your legs.
Calories burned: 375-425

Going for a nice jog, is also a great way to clear your mind and reflect on the week. What you will find as you jog, is that you will find that your body is getting a full workout. Some tips are to pump your arms and mix things up with interval sprints or increasing your speed for short distances. You can also ramp up the workout by including weights for your ankles or wrists or just carrying dumbbells.
Calories burned: 550-650

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