Monday, November 30, 2009

Observations on sugar

Scott Schwab:
Welcome back to all those that traveled for the holidays. I am sure that many of you, like me, ate your fair share of food. I noticed something when I was displaying my lack of discipline at an all time high. Before the week, I had been very disciplined and avoided the high fructose sugar, and foods high in sugar. What I noticed was a surprise that I wanted to pass on and help everyone avoid. I have about a half of dozen canker sores in my mouth and the way I felt over the course of the Holiday was not good. I am ashamed to admit that I didn't work out once. It was more because I had no energy than not having it available to me. All I wanted to do was sleep, and I attribute that to my lack of working out and the unhealthy foods I was eating. I also found myself not being able to say no to the pies and other goodies that were constantly in front of me. It was a battle in my mind and each time I lost. I thought, its, not that big of a deal, it is one piece. One piece turned into a piece about every 2 hours though. I was really annoyed because I love to work out and exercise but truly had no motivation. It came down to this; the way I was feeling after I ate pie resulted in a mixture of a sick feeling and not feeling like I had any fuel for my body. I changed very little in other areas and that is why the culprit is sugar in my mind. I know that eating well, gives you a satisfied feeling both mentally and physically. There is a message sent to the brain as one eats that will confirm whether the food is nourishing and healthy for you. Sometimes people feel guilt or regret after eating certain foods. It starts in the brain and as a result is sent to the body. For me I learned a valuable lesson. If I had made the decision to eat better and indulge a little, but set the amount, I would have been able to have more success with eating and exercising. The other thing I learned is that you can always start fresh. Everything is habit and now that I am back at home, I am getting back into my schedule. We don't have the goodies laying around on purpose. We also set our exercise in the morning so that it is planned and one of the fist things we do. Also I am now motivated by the 8 week challenge that starts today. Forget about last week and move forward, remember "Adventure is out there."

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Scott Schwab
"Don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today."
This completely incorporates a lifestyle change. People are naturally slow to change and many times against change. There is no better change than a change that will make you happier. Tomorrow starts the 8 week challenge. We look forward to sharing the successes and learning that will come from the challenge. We have many more people participating this time. You can still be in the challenge we just need to either have you comment or send us a message. This one has some prizes attached so get on it. I can promise you that as you live your life in a healthier manner, you will be happier. There are certain sacrifices that will be made, but once you see your results, you will see that the way we all live, sacrifices a better life. Good luck to all those who are challenging, and to those who are not; cheer us on and keep giving great advice. We start tomorrow and the purpose is to avoid the holiday and winter weight that can pack on. Remember to take your picture and keep it as motivation. At the end of the 8 weeks, regardless of your results, you have done something to improve your health and thus improve your life.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Guest Post

Aubrey Fullmer-
What a fun way to be able to see how others are keeping healthy and getting into shape, thank you for inviting me to post! I've always been interested in ways to get my body in the best possible condition I can, and especially after having 3 kids and always looking for new and better ways.
My journey started years ago when i attended Utah Valley State College where I ran track for their collegiate program as a freshman in college. Some of the things my coach taught me was the importance of nutritious foods, sleep, and taking care of my body. Along with that, the importance of lifting and pushing our body to the max.
Shortly after my freshman year I married my husband Ben and started having babies. I then learned that my body needed something a little different in order to loose the weight so started trying some new things. I now make sure I eat alot of protein and get a few work outs in a week, including some long runs that are at least 4-5 miles. It seems like if I stay at the 2-3 mile runs my body will consistently same the same, but if I'm looking to actually loose the weight and build my muscle I have to up my mileage. Running is definitely a passion that I will carry throughout my whole life and will always want to improve on and do better at for sure.
I live in Saratoga Springs, Utah where I am surrounded by a huge support system of girls who run in the mornings with me. We live in a beautiful area with a lot of fun trails and gorgeous running paths. You hear everyone say that "running is all mental." It totally is, so staying positive and having goals is way important. Good luck to all in finding what work for you and succeeding in your goals.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Food for Thought

Scott Schwab
Today's post will actually be a couple of different approaches and opinions of things I know little about. 1 week ago I went to a raw food restaurant called Bliss Raw Cafe It was the most interesting place that I have chosen to eat at and enjoyed my visit. I went with an open mind and found that the food was not that bad. I had a chance to sit down and talk with the owner; a women named D. She is wonderful and such a passionate person about what she is doing. She is opening a second restaurant in Dallas and we wish her the best. If you are ever in Dallas, make sure you go. The thing I liked the most about her concept, is health. Everything at the restaurant was so healthy and it felt good having a healthy option. I felt lighter after my meal than eating a burger and yet I was satisfied. As time goes on, we will have more healthy decisions to choose from and it will come down to lifestyle. The decisions we make turn into our habits, and our habits become our lifestyle. So if we can start implementing healthy decisions, as the healthier food becomes more readily available; we have made those decisions in the past and we can surely make them in the future. As I left Dallas and was on a plane I read an article about Jonathan Safran Foer. His newest book, Eating Animals; is an interesting look into the world of vegetarianism. Possibly controversial for some, it is a different point of view that may be worthwhile. I am not a vegetarian and do not know much about it. However; if any of our readers are, I would love to have you post on benefits, challenges, lifestyle, and simply the choice. Foer put it this way: "We eat merely to get full. It's nice to have a chosen approach to food; eating a certain way- even if its arbitrary, although my vegetarianism is the opposite of arbitrariness- brings consciousness to an everyday act that rarely calls for any."
The point is, it remains our choice. We should all look at the benefits to alternative eating habits and lifestyles. Change is difficult, however you slice it, but know that the change lies within you. If change does occur or at least the option; our decision is educated and thought out. My personal opinion is to have all things in moderation. That way I do not feel deprived of anything that I would chose to eat, but the decision is still mine with portion control. Whether you eat raw foods, your a vegetarian, or you simply eat the basics of the food pyramid; the choice is yours, and not much will change until a decision is made by you with how you will live and how you will eat.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Guest Blog

Luke Wester-
Hi I am stoked about this site its awesome! I would like to introduce myself as an extreme athlete who is working on making his dream come true, which is to surf the biggest waves around the world. I am into one of the most extreme and dangerous sports out there. Surfing giant waves in the 20-60 foot range. Falling on one of these waves can be life changing if not fatal. You have to hold your breath while take a very physical beating and be prepared to stay under water for a long time. I have to mentally be prepared for such tests of endurance and physically.
To prepare myself I am on an adult swim team, with professional tri athletes, graduated collage swimmers, and very advanced swimmers, we train 3 times a week. We swim anywhere from 3500 to 5500 yards on a given day. I go to the gym or use my home gym setup on a daily basis. I surf on a daily basis. This combined with work 8 hours a day (as a Plant Health Care Technician for Davey Tree Comp.) takes its toll but it is what I have to do if I want to rise to the top in the big wave surfing profession. I have a clothing sponsor (Division 26) and a few other sponsors who are supporting my dream but within the following years my goal is to be sponsored by bigger sponsors like billabong and quicksilver who will travel me around the world to surf the biggest waves on the globe.
When I started my training for Big Wave Surfing I was not using any type of supplementation. To get to the point I could not stay focused at work I was tired and very fatigued throughout the day. I knew I needed supplementation if I was to make it through my daily activities. I have been using a variety of supplementation that has made all the difference in the world and now I am that person at work with all the energy. Plus my body is recovering and building lean muscle fast.
To end I would like to tell you about where I live it is in San Francisco 10 blocks from the ocean. I live 25 minutes away from Mavericks which is considered one of the biggest and meanest waves in the world. I surf this spot anytime it is breaking. I have broken two boards here. If you go to this link I am in the end of this video showing me fall on one of these waves and they interview me with my broken board afterwards. check it out its only about 5 minutes you will see my name appear in the bottom left corner of the screen. I am for real about my dreams and goals and they will come true. Supplementation is what is needed to achieve these goals and this site is the place to learn about what supplementation will work for you. Stay Positive my friends and as surfers like to say Aloha.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

8 Week Challenge Part 5

Well well well, Scott. Look what we have here! haha Great job everyone on their success during this 8 week challenge. I think during this entire 8 week period the hardest thing for me was food control. I like to eat.... a lot...... The key to my success was surrounding myself with healthy food and healthy food only. Canned chicken and tuna are less than 2 dollars a piece and it is very high in protein. Eventually I did get sick of these foods so I would treat myself every once in a while, but it should be obvious now everyone that diet is 90% of the battle. If you control your food you can control your weight. I don't know about the other challengers, but I feel that my body is just now getting used to dieting and training and the fat is now starting to fall off. Anybody up for a 16 week challenge to get that final few pounds off??

ps. Must be nice Scott.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

8 week challenge part 4



Scott Schwab
There are many things that I have been doing to try and get to the look, weight, and feel that I have desired. I owe a lot of my success to protein. Honestly I am seeing great results, by having a shake and letting that be my meal. It curbs my cravings for other things and helps me to focus on health. I also have really been cutting down my portion sizes. When I am at a restaurant, I am now eating half of what is on my plate and saving the rest for a rainy day. Portion control is my biggest achilles heel and I love to eat. However, that same passion I have had for eating, is now being redirected to eating the right foods and enjoying the feeling of being light and comfortable after a meal. A routine that I have started that I believe defined my chest more than anything is swimming. It is a great cardio workout and has provided toning for my upper body. The main thing is that I feel great and I am excited to get into another challenge. In the past I have put on a lot of weight during the winter, I guess my body thinks I am a bear. Anyway, this year I am going to beat it. We start Monday so lets get ready to have success and obtain our goals as a team. Don't just call me on the phone or email me that you are going to do it, because I forget and so do you. Leave a comment for everyone to see so that you are accountable and we can all know that we are working at something together. I am calling out all of my friends and anyone that comes to this site, to step up to the challenge, especially my friend Mandy, who so thoughtfully reminded me of my days on the Ranch...... Dressing that is. Let us know if there is anything that we can do to help and different articles that would be beneficial. Additionally if any of you are looking to become an author, let us know. We love guest posters, because you have a unique point of view that we all can learn from. Well here are my results. Enjoy the week and have a good Thanksgiving. Remember if you eat so much that you have to unbutton your jeans for relief, that is not a good thing. Oh and don't wear sweats so that you can expand all you want. Be cheerful, be thankful, and be great!

Monday, November 23, 2009

3rd 8 week challenge result



Chandi Schwab
Hey everyone! I have been anxiously waiting for more 8 week challenge results to come in so thank you to Mark and Ryan for posting.This past 8 weeks I have been working hard to maintain and improve my workouts and lifestyle.One thing that is for sure is that I lost my summer glow. Unfortunately we have been through different sicknesses which has been frusterating but It is always nice to be able to get back in the game when you have been down. I have really seen a big difference with my weight training.I have started doing bench press, push press,squatting, pull-ups ect...I really have wanted to improve my upper body strength. I have noticed a difference in my quads as well. I really think that one more 8 week challenge can get me to my goal.There are many unique things that you can do to get a good workout that we will do better at posting for you to try. Here are a few things that have helped me out.
*Yummy protein shake every day.Gives me energy and is very satisfying.
*When I get a craving I try to substitute it with another choice.For example the other night oreos were looking really good so I pulled out grahm crackers and dipped them in fat Free milk.
*Make my work out a mission.No lallygagging between machines or reps.I Make my transitions quick and always give it my all.(Well...most of the time)
*Trying new and different things really keeps my workouts challenging and my muscles confused,which is always a great way to burn fat and build lean muscle.

Have any questions?Write them in the comment box below.And please let me know if anyone else would like to post their results.It is so helpful to see others results and to be able to to get new ideas.Thank you so much for being involved!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Quote of the last days

Scott Schwab
A little play on words for the title, but does it ever seem like you are just living your life counting down the days until you die? Gruesome, but true for a lot of people, so stop! Live your life, like the popular song with T.I. and Rianna. The beauty of it all is that you and you alone influence what is happening in your life. The biggest indicator of how your day goes is by how you act, not react. I read a quote the other day for which I am drawing this post. I apologize that I cannot recall who it was, but I do remember that it was a prominent figure and he was quoted saying that only 10% of his life is circumstance out of his control, and the other 90% is his attitude. I believe that this is true and wanted to pass it on to all of you. Life can be pretty dim and bleak at times. However; if we have a positive attitude and always approach life as someone who can make a difference, we will have much more satisfaction. There are key components that one must have to be happy. I do not claim to know all the secrets to life, but I do know that a person is much more able to deal with life when; they feel accepted, they have someone who loves them and or validates them, good general health, and a person who is happy with them self. Having a good attitude can make up for so much and covers the mental side of your health. The physical side is your health. Being able to do exactly what you want to do with your body is a privilege. Hiking, biking, swimming, running. Activity keeps the heart, mind, and body alive. Being accepted and knowing that someone loves you is the aspect that covers your social health. I don't know if we know how important this side of your health is. Social health is essential to the development of a person.
Finally I wanted to give an update. Chandi will post her results tomorrow and I will post on Tuesday of our results of the 8 week challenge. Drew will post Wednesday or Thursday. We will be having a great guest poster from San Francisco on either Wednesday or Thursday and another guest post for the weekend. Most importantly we wanted to introduce our next 8 week challenge. We have found that people who missed the last challenge would like to start another challenge. We were thinking of starting at the first of the year, but we have also found that through a little research, these next couple of months are the most difficult for the waistline. We have decided to start the next challenge November 30th. We would like everyone who is participating to comment about what area of their health that they will be focusing on and ideas of how they will do it. The reason for joining the challenge is to be accountable to each other. It also helps to have others that are supporting you and doing the very same thing. We will be doing a reward for the female winner and the male winner as voted by you the readers. It will be a free supplement or vitamin from the website as well as a T-shirt. Again this is to have fun and enjoy something different. We encourage everyone to enter and work on something. We will have updates and support for everyone who participates. So as all of you are dreaming of Turkey and pumpkin pie this week, don't forget to enter the challenge.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Our 2nd 8 week challenger



Mark Pittard
Well, this being my first post on mixers nutrition I need to introduce myself. My name is Mark Pittard. I am from Caldwell Idaho, and I have always been into sports. After High School I went on to play JC ball in Washington and have seen the importance of staying in shape. Recently, the biggest obstacle that I have been fighting is my eating habits. I have wanted to cut the fat, but I didn’t want to cut the sweets. I would run and do crunches, but the results have been slow. I have finally started eating right, and cut out the sweets and the results have been great. They say that if you want to lose the belly fat, it all starts with the diet. I have seen that to be true. I love to work out. I usually lift three times a week, while doing cardio three times a week as well. Those days that I am off I try to do some type of physical activity, either playing basketball or running with the wife. My biggest advice to all those, is to make a plan with your eating, and stick to it. You can run all you want, and do crunches, but to lose those extra pounds you need to eat right. I hope to compete in a half marathon in the spring, and then work on to a full one. Scott has given me some great tips on what to do to achieve my goals, and will continue to follow his counsel.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Service with a smile

Scott Schwab
Today we were going to have a guest post on their results from the 8 week challenge, but it may take a couple more days of coaxing. We are going to hold strong with having two people post before Chandi and I post. We did however have someone that posted a comment and wanted to know the next challenge. Let us know your name and then we can plan on you for next time. I did notice something interesting today. I finally had a chance to pay it forward and it came with a lot of satisfaction. My friend and I were walking around this evening and saw a women raking some leaves. We asked if we could help and she told us no. She persistently told us no and that she didn't want to put us out. We continued to be persistent and the battle began. We started helping her and she stopped and said, "nobody has ever done anything nice for me." I was floored and said you are kidding me. She responded that she is a social worker and is always serving other people. We continued to talk and find that she had a bad back and that she was going to have to try and get to the leaves on Saturday. The more we talked we found that she has never asked for help, but has certain things that are hard for her to do. I have found that there are many people including ourselves that need a little help but are not asking. I do not believe that I changed this ladies life, I do believe that she changed mine. I realized that by simply going out of my way to help, that I was the one that benefited. Not only was I able to speak to a person that I usually wouldn't, but I learned through her experiences and her life. Plus her mountain of leaves was a great workout for us. Now she can pass it on. The final thought is this; people change through service, and mentally, emotionally, and physically there are many benefits to service.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Passion of a fat kid

Scott Schwab
I was reminded today by a friend of my obvious propensity to unhealthy living when I was young. I was reminded when I was a 12 year old, that I put ranch on everything. Truthfully it made life a little tastier and it really wasn't weird until I tried it on my cheerios. Just kidding, but I am sure you can imagine. In thinking back on those days I remember how much of my life I was very passionate about what I was eating. I still have this passion today, but my focus has changed. Rather than focusing on an amount and the particular condiments that I would put on each meal, I am passionate about eating the best that I can. I am passionate about finding the best ways to eat and eat right. In thinking about how this can apply, I believe it is the focus. The passion is there! Think in your own life about what you are passionate about or when you are most passionate. This passion can be transferred to other activities or they can transfer your life. Seriously, take a test and apply the theory of a habit. If you can think of what you are passionate about and then start breaking down the reasons why. Figure out everything you can about they whys. Mentally, physically, even socially. If you can find the tie or the link, start with the transferring of energy. The biggest motivators are fear and love. So with this passion of yours tie it to the fear of losing or the reward of love. For 21 days you will need to do an activity that will invoke the love or fear for that activity. Keep it in your mind and think about it as much as you can. After those 21 days you will have a transferred passion and a habit that is new and enjoyable. I want to get some feedback on this. I have done this in a couple of different areas. Reading books has been one as well as living a healthier lifestyle. It is true, I used to be a butter ball, speaking of which have you ever tried turkey with ranch dressing?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Battle against running shoes

Scott Schwab
I was on a plane or in an airport for most of the day and found an article that I thought was worth passing on. It was in the spirit magazine and was mostly about how bad running shoes are for your feet. I was surprised because I have always been a firm believer in running shoes and have purchased many brands. This was not something that I have believed in so I thought it would be great to challenge my opinion. My opinion and belief is that you have to have a specific shoe for specific activities. Much like basketball players have basketball shoes that they don't wear for other activities. The main point in the article seems to be the heal to toe ratio. Being that the heal is roughly an inch off of the ground, the heal takes quite a beating as a runner is running. This is why many of the shoes that we see today are getting lower to the ground and the ratio is becoming more consistent. A shoe is vital when a person is doing any type of workout or activity. Take into special consideration and research when preparing for a shoe purchase. I have included a link for you to read the article and sort your own opinion. One thing that the article did point out that seems to becoming a new fad, is training barefoot. Runners now are looking for better ways to train and strengthen their feet. It is based on the Kenyan athletes that train barefoot. Have a great start to your week.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Quote time

Scott Schwab
Today's quote comes from one of the all time greats. Why was he great at coaching is the question that I ask. I believe that it comes from his obvious ability to see past the mark. Many times we limit ourselves with just getting the bare minimum. If we can look a little further or perhaps ponder a little more, we will start to learn great things. The coaches name is John Wooden and if you know anything about Basketball you will know that his name is synonymous with it. His quote is on the importance of talent;

"No matter how you total success in the coaching profession, it all comes down to a single factor--talent. There may be a hundred great coaches of whom you have never heard in basketball, football, or any sport who will probably never receive the acclaim they deserve simply because they have not been blessed with the talent. Although not every coach can win consistently with talent, no coach can win without it."
Take whatever you would like from this quote, I would simply like to interject that all of us have talent. As we age we should be confident in what we can do and look to improve what we cant do. If you are trying, you have talent. I say that because anyone who tries and does not quite, possesses great talent for persistence and life.
This week we will hear from some of the individuals that did not quite and worked hard for the 8 week challenge. If you started and stopped, make a new goal and begin with the end in mind. If you didn't start, find something that you would like to improve upon and make it happen. Whether health or fitness, we must look at ourselves as a course for improvement. WE CAN AlWAYS IMPROVE! Each person will post on how they did the challenge, their successes and possible failures. Each person is just an ordinary person that pushed themselves a little harder. This week will be dedicated to those who did it and also those who didn't but would like to. Hopefully you find courage or strength to do a person challenge for yourself. We welcome anyone who would like to take on the next 8 week challenge which will be determined in the near future.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

8 week challenge update...

For those of you that are participating in our 8 week challenge there are 2 days left. Get your picture taken and send me a brief summary of how you got your results and the healthy habits you have obtained. Scott and I are not posting our results until we have recieved at least 2 others. Send it to Thank you!!

Love me some shake!

Chandi Schwab
For those of you that are new we are huge believers in supplements. We take our vitamins and have tried many different things. My favorite supplement to take is Lean Whey Protein. The way that we take our protein is in a shake everyday. It is kind of like a smoothie but creamier.
When I was pregnant with our first I pretty much went into lazy mode. I didn't work out,and I ate whatever I had time to eat. Up until then I had always had a pretty fast metabolism, and I was very active. During this pregnancy I was very busy with cosmetology school and work that again I was lazy in my free time. Little did I realize that the lbs. were packing on. At first I thought that it was normal, but after seeing pictures I couldn't believe how much I let myself go. I had gained 65 lbs. by the end of my pregnancy. It took a lot of hard work to get it off.
Shortly after we had our first child is when we became more aware of health and nutrition and supplements. That is when we started taking protein and making shakes. I just want to share with you the difference in my energy and my physical appearance. My skin is more toned with less cellulite, and I have energy to work out and keep up with my children.
My second and third pregnancy's were a breeze in comparison. I worked out up until the day I delivered, and I had the energy that I needed to play with my my other children. I think many people, especially women think that taking protein will bulk them up. This is not true. We all need more protein in our diets. Especially if we are working out. Try it!!You will never go back.
*Shakes are simple to make:Frozen fruit of your choice,Banana,yogurt, and protein(I like to use Myo Lean by Myogenix) There are so many different variations. I even stick veggies in there and you can't even tell.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Weight a minute

Scott Schwab
I had a buddy send me something interesting today that he received at work. I thought that I could pass it on and give a couple of tips about weight and especially being happy with yourself.
You may feel one way or another about this technology, but on one hand I think that it is great for accountability. On the other hand I don't think that everyone needs to know your weight. I believe that it is a personal journey and there is a lot of potentially embarrassing situations that can come by weight.
Weight is an indicator
There are many things that will tell the story of whether an individual is healthy or not. According to my BMI I am borderline obese. I know that this is not the case and am very happy with how I look. I believe that often times people care to much about their weight, when really what should count is percentage of fat and overall health. We all come in different sizes thank goodness, and the best thing to do is not compare yourself to someone else. Compare yourself to you and how you looked last month, last year, or make the efforts to look the best that you can look. All to often we spend so much time thinking and looking at others and wishing that we could look the same. My suggestion is to find happiness in our personal appearance and make the goals to look your best, not Brad Pitt best. All of us have different challenges, schedules, and routines. The important thing is that you are trying and that you implement the things that will help you look and feel your best. Let me know your thoughts about the article and whether it would help you to have your weight posted publicly. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A time for change

Chandi Schwab
It is so easy to get caught up in a monotonous routine, especially in our busy hectic lives.Sometimes we get so busy that even though we have a lifestyle full of things we need to change, we find it more important to get through each day and accomplish our top priorities. There is always those things that we want to eventually start doing or eventually stop doing, it is just easier to maintain a mediocre lifestyle.
Well...This is for me and for everyone else that needs to make a change in their lives.No matter how big or small today is the day, this week is the week, this year is the year. Start now! Write a list of things you wish you made the time for or attributes that you want to acquire. Narrow it down to one, the one that is most important to you and start on it now. If we tackle our goals and make the changes that need to happen one by one then it may not seem so daunting. With many different sicknesses spreading through our house the past couple of weeks it has been hard to maintain even our normal lifestyle.So that is my first change. To tackle what hasn't gotten done. Good luck everyone!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Exciting News!!!!

Scott Schwab
I would officially like to introduce As we have always been pointing to, our business is two fold. Part is to get a community of people together who are passionate about health and fitness. The other side of the business is to get these same people and others to take vitamins, supplements, etc. The final stage is to roll out little locations where we can serve smoothies with the supplements in them. The reason for this, is to compete with a brand of smoothie that rhymes with wamba nuice. The smoothies that most people will buy are those that are packed with sugars, syrups, and really are not that good for you. Through supplements and a smoothie that we have developed, we believe that we can help people with their health goals and to actually have a true meal replacement or snack that wont set you back energy and nutritional wise. We have ordered many products from a company called Myogenix. This brand comes with a lot of research and is fairly unknown. I challenge anyone who is taking or has taken a supplement to try this brand. If you sincerely do not see results and are not 100% satisfied, I will personally pay you back or replace it with a brand that you prefer. Throughout the next couple of months we will be adding in additional products that are more mainstream. At this point, after you have gone to the website and done the research, you can put a myogenix product in your shopping cart and proceed to checkout. After you have put in all of your information it will redirect you to Paypal. Our website will display your basic information like address, email, etc. On the right corner there will be a continue button that will not allow you to click on it, until you click a little white box on the left hand side. Once you click that, you can then click continue and it will redirect you to paypal. You can put in your information and then confirm your paypal account or set up the account if you don't already have one. At that point the order will be generated and you will receive your product within 5 business days. If you have any questions you can email me or my business partner.
We appreciate all your support and we look forward to helping you with all of your health needs. We stand behind our products and will give you the information you need. Spend some time on the website and get to know the products and the site. Any questions or ideas for improvement are definitely welcomed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rock Hard Abs

Scott Schwab
I wanted to post on a couple of ideas for the mid section that we are all trying to get in shape. I have a couple of workouts that I do on a weekly basis, but some you can only do in a gym with the appropriate equipment, while others can be done at home. I will give you a couple of each and see if they can help.
Pull Up Abs
This workout is best with a dumbbell and a pull up bar. You need to have your feet off of the ground so that you can bring your legs up to your chest and slowly down but not touching the ground. The most effective ab workout that I have done, is to take a 10 pound weight and squeeze it between my feet. By holding it between your feet, each lifting action with your legs is more difficult. Also by concentrating on keeping the weight from falling, subconsciously you are flexing your whole body. This is amazing for your abs. To regular lifts to your chest and back down again. Then switch it up with bringing your knees side to side. The important thing is to be in the hanging position.
Good Morning Abs
This machine is designed in a way that you put your feet on a platform that extends in a 45 degree angle. There is pads that you rest your mid section on and it is usually elevated about 3 feet. It is amazing to take a weight and put in on the floor below you. As you take your lower body and hang to the floor, pick up the weight and start pulling your body up as high as you can go. After the straight up and down workout, take your body and lay sideways on the machine. This will really work your oblique area and really make a difference with the weight in one hand and the other hand on your hip or behind your head. Make sure that you do both sides and have light weight so as not to hurt your back. It is important to listen to your body because you can really hurt your back. It is a great way to work out your back, abs, gluts, and obliques.
Ball Sit Ups
I have posted about the ball exercise before. This is perfect for not being able to get to the gym if you have a exercise ball at home. If not you can get them for about 5 bucks. To really stretch and elongate your abdominal muscles, you will rock back and forth on the ball. As you lean all the way back and your head is almost touching the ground, you will breath in and out almost like you just got the wind knocked out of you. This way it is short bursts of breathing that is actually flexing your abs. It is a great workout and you can even make it more challenging by adding in some light dumbbells.
Air Abs
As I am sure you have noticed, I am giving names to these that you have probably never heard, but hopefully will remember. This can be done at home, in a hotel, on the road, etc. You will lay on your back with you feet raised to the 45 degree angle. Take your feet together and move them all around. Sideways, up and down, separate them from side to side, but make sure you keep your back and butt on the floor. Do this group as long as you can, but it is more important that you have good form, then to have crappy form but go for longer. Remember keep the legs straight as can be and then go to town. It will feel great and you will notice a huge difference. Like with all of the workouts, do multiple sets and with abs, I try and shoot for as many reps as possible. Good luck and let me know what you think.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Swine Who??????

Scott Schwab
Apologies to everyone about the lack of blogging over the weekend. We have finally been hit with the swine who, yes the swine flu. Our 2 year old boy, Gavin, was diagnosed this weekend and possibly our whole family has the sickness. To make up for the lack of posting I wanted to give a couple of tips to avoid the sickness or what signs will help you know your status.
Avoid the sickness
The best advice that I have heard from Doctors and pharmacists is to always wash your hands and stay away from situations where there is visible sick people. We did not vaccinate, which is another thing that many people have done. I personally do not believe in the vaccine, but now I guess I pay the price. There is mixed feelings on what to do, but I would say do what you feel is right; based on your health.
Signs of sickness
We noticed in our little guy a definite change in his activity. He is usually a very rambunctious boy, that is always on the go. However; this sickness has knocked him out. He is simply unable to be active and really just sits around. He has had a runny nose, and a temperature of about 102. His eyes have also taken on a droopy appearance and he has a deep set cough. The official signs seem to be high temperature, sore throat, and cough. However, it seems to show it self differently in people. The main thing to look for, is if you do not feel like yourself and have some of these symptoms, get checked. It is serious enough that you should get it checked. So rather than waiting it out or trying to beat it by yourself, get diagnosed and get medications. We probably could have taken Gavin in at the first of the week, but mid week his fever broke and we thought he was going to get better. My advice would be; not to take chances and play on the safe side. Other than that keep exercising and taking vitimins. This will help in keeping your immune system healthy and active.
I also wanted to post the official website for all your needs with the flu.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grass isnt always greener

Scott Schwab
In many of our minds we look for, perhaps the easiest way to reach a goal. I have found in life that the fastest way or easiest is not the best. It is known to most of us as a simple saying; The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Many of us look for this our entire lives and their is something to be said about simply being happy with who we are, how we look, and where we come from. Being an individual is a wonderful and deserving journey. There is much learning that takes place along the way, and if we are always looking for that green plot of land on the other side of the fence, we will miss opportunity and life will pass you by. My suggestion is an honest evaluation of yourself. It is best if you use, what is known in the business world as a 360 evaluation. In essence it is to take an honest and possibly brutal look at yourself. Rather than giving the benefit of the doubt and creating excuses, just face the facts. Then take a co-worker, a friend, and a family member; all of which will give you an honest and candid opinion of who you are. At this point you can set realistic goals and expectations for yourself. In this way you will also be able to hold yourself accountable and be completely responsible for what you do. I have found that by doing this periodically, it helps to dust off the cob webs, and clean up the perception that we are doing just fine. In reality you are doing just fine. However, growth usually comes at the risk of comfort. Many times we are more satisfied with comfort than we are at progression. When tempted to find the easier and faster way, remember the saying the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Guest Post- Dont forget what you feed your mind

Navreet Kaur
We’ve all heard the expression, you are what you eat. However, we don’t hear it often enough (probably since we were children) to also filter what you watch on T.V., the environment you expose yourself to, or the people you surround yourself with. If you want to know your positive life quotient which means your attitude toward life, then take five closest people to you and the average of their attitudes is approximately where your attitude is.
I will be the first one to admit, life isn’t always roses. There are quite a few things that are right and not right in my life. However, I am a big believer in working on the self as we know we can only control our behavior and no one else’s. This may come as a shock to you but our circumstances will change no matter how good or bad. Circumstances are usually not in your control so do your best not to be defined by them.
So, are you surrounded by the right people, the right environment? If not and you seek change, I believe there are 2 actions you can take. Number one, remove your self from the situation that is contributing negativity to your life and if that can not be done, then change your attitude by being the change you seek in the world, which means you start the positive trend at that place. Don’t look to other people to start it for you. Remember, you are the protagonist in this story called life.
Ask yourself one question. Are you leaving a place you visit better off than how you found it? If not, then maybe you ought to pay more attention to your mind in addition to your body.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Singing in the rain

Scott Schwab-Based on the title we will not be speaking about the Broadway or the movie that I am sure that all of us have either seen or heard about. We will talk about the shower! It may sound strange, but the seemingly insignificant event that usually happens daily, can really help set the tone of your day. I wondered if there were any health benefits with singing in the shower, because the people on the movie just look so happy. Here is what I found:Sound Therapy has proven and linked benefits to the body and spirit. Singing is considered a healing tool and has benefits of:
Reducing Stress
Lower Blood Pressure
Boast Immune system
Improve breathing
Reduce received pain
Provide comfort
Motivate and empower

These were just a few of the benefits. The great thing about the shower, is that usually there are not a lot of other people listening. So belt it and let the health benefits flow. Here is the link to the website:
I also wanted to introduce our next guest blogger. She is very motivated and has some great ideas about life. She is an advocate on nourishing the mind, body, and spirt. She lives a very healthy and active lifestyle, which includes everything from hanging out with friends and being involved in martial arts. She also enjoys eating right and exploring her mind through learning languages and advancing herself. We will post her thoughts about health, particularly in how we communicate and incorporate some great ideas about the social aspects of health. Please welcome Navreet Kaur for tomorrows post and her official debut.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Don't hate

Scott Schwab
Based on the post that Chandi left yesterday, some might think that koom bi ya is being sung on a daily basis at the Schwab home. This is not the case and in fact doing a little research it seems as though that winter is one of those months that people go through a low. I definitely am not a medical professional and cannot give advice in that arena. I will say though, that being and staying happy takes work. The trick is to not let the little things get to you. Keep your mind focused on the things that you can truly control. It is the people that act, who will have much more control and happiness, as apposed to those who react. Any situation can get you mad. Driving, your job, money, work, the lady that butts in front of you in line. Whatever it is; we need to focus! I have a couple of things that might help when implemented.
Working out
The reason that we continue to talk about the benefits and preach about the happiness is because it is fact. We have dedicated the entire blog to health and fitness, because it brings happiness. When a person works out, endorphins are created. Endorphins created is not only increased energy, but happiness, because you feel better and can accomplish more.
Remember times in your life that were not so good, or those times that were really good. It will really depend on what type of person you are. Are you a fear of loss person? There are people who when faced with a decision will ultimately think and usually decide based on the fear of losing the thing that is important in that situation. There are also those who are risk takers. Emotionally these people know that if it feels good, that they are in. Remember to try and find balance and use a little of both. When faced with a situation, look at how you can act rather than react. Be confident that you will make the right decision, because you have before.
Another fact that you may or may not know, is that grateful people live longer. Honest to goodness, look it up and you will be surprised. When really looking into those people who are more grateful, it really isn't a surprise. The reason being is they avoid stress. They find that looking for the good in life takes less time, than trying to point out the bad. Frustration and stress, will really take a tole on your body.
Do things for others
This could also be known as service. The reason that this is so important is helping other people takes the focus off of ourselves and puts it on others who's needs we can associate with. We will usually step in to help when it is something that we are familiar with or when it is a crisis. People will generally jump into help when there is an emergency or crisis, especially when you know the individual. So step out of your comfort zone and go and help people by Paying it forward.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pay it Forward

Chandi Schwab
We were watching a movie the other night that really struck a chord in me. It is called "Pay it Forward." The message in the movie is that for many people life seems like it can't get any worse, but through finding great needs in those around us we can find even greater satisfaction in helping and serving them. Making our own lives have more meaning as well as the people that we served. I have a new and different challenge that I want to propose. In the movie pay it forward, a young kid about 12 years old tackles an extra credit project in social studies.The assignment was to find a way to change the world. He creates a plan called Pay it Forward, where he chooses 3 people to help and each of those 3 people choose 3 people to help and so forth. The service quickly spread throughout the country.
Here is my challenge to you...Scott and I have decided to start it out and we want to invite all of you to join us. Find 3 people that you can significantly help and afterward ask each of them to pay it forward to 3 people.You can imagine how big this can quickly get, making our world a better place. We would love to hear results and stories reported back to us. So please share. Part of living a healthy lifestyle is feeling satisfied with how we treat those around us. Good Luck!