Monday, November 2, 2009

Don't hate

Scott Schwab
Based on the post that Chandi left yesterday, some might think that koom bi ya is being sung on a daily basis at the Schwab home. This is not the case and in fact doing a little research it seems as though that winter is one of those months that people go through a low. I definitely am not a medical professional and cannot give advice in that arena. I will say though, that being and staying happy takes work. The trick is to not let the little things get to you. Keep your mind focused on the things that you can truly control. It is the people that act, who will have much more control and happiness, as apposed to those who react. Any situation can get you mad. Driving, your job, money, work, the lady that butts in front of you in line. Whatever it is; we need to focus! I have a couple of things that might help when implemented.
Working out
The reason that we continue to talk about the benefits and preach about the happiness is because it is fact. We have dedicated the entire blog to health and fitness, because it brings happiness. When a person works out, endorphins are created. Endorphins created is not only increased energy, but happiness, because you feel better and can accomplish more.
Remember times in your life that were not so good, or those times that were really good. It will really depend on what type of person you are. Are you a fear of loss person? There are people who when faced with a decision will ultimately think and usually decide based on the fear of losing the thing that is important in that situation. There are also those who are risk takers. Emotionally these people know that if it feels good, that they are in. Remember to try and find balance and use a little of both. When faced with a situation, look at how you can act rather than react. Be confident that you will make the right decision, because you have before.
Another fact that you may or may not know, is that grateful people live longer. Honest to goodness, look it up and you will be surprised. When really looking into those people who are more grateful, it really isn't a surprise. The reason being is they avoid stress. They find that looking for the good in life takes less time, than trying to point out the bad. Frustration and stress, will really take a tole on your body.
Do things for others
This could also be known as service. The reason that this is so important is helping other people takes the focus off of ourselves and puts it on others who's needs we can associate with. We will usually step in to help when it is something that we are familiar with or when it is a crisis. People will generally jump into help when there is an emergency or crisis, especially when you know the individual. So step out of your comfort zone and go and help people by Paying it forward.....

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