Wednesday, November 25, 2009

8 Week Challenge Part 5

Well well well, Scott. Look what we have here! haha Great job everyone on their success during this 8 week challenge. I think during this entire 8 week period the hardest thing for me was food control. I like to eat.... a lot...... The key to my success was surrounding myself with healthy food and healthy food only. Canned chicken and tuna are less than 2 dollars a piece and it is very high in protein. Eventually I did get sick of these foods so I would treat myself every once in a while, but it should be obvious now everyone that diet is 90% of the battle. If you control your food you can control your weight. I don't know about the other challengers, but I feel that my body is just now getting used to dieting and training and the fat is now starting to fall off. Anybody up for a 16 week challenge to get that final few pounds off??

ps. Must be nice Scott.

1 comment:

  1. Congratualtions to everyone who participated! Each of your results shows such a big change and improvement! Thanks to everyone for sharing. This really motivates me for the upcoming challenge. I'm not sure about 16 weeks, but 8 weeks, definitely!
