Monday, October 17, 2011

Pushing yourself in new ways

Scott Schwab:
You may have tried exercises before that as you do the exercise your body will shake with difficulty and fatigue? These types of exercises are actually very good for you. #1 It helps use additional muscles surrounding the muscle group you are working with that are being pushed. #2 The muscle strain, will actually strengthen your surrounding ligaments and joints making the connecting muscles healthier and more resilient. #3 Muscle endurance is improved and thus allows for more testosterone to be released and allows for those muscles to be pushed harder in the future.
I wanted to include a list of a couple of exercises that will really help the shake and help you feel the exercise in a whole new way.

Wall Sits:
Easy and productive, this exercise can be done anywhere. You sit with your back against the wall and your feet to leg ratio are at a 90 degree angle. The shake will begin in your legs and move into your back side and core. This exercise is awesome and will tighten the backside in a great way. For increased difficulty, do calf raises from this position and extend the burn and shake into your calves.

Squats are a great full body workout and works the body very effectively. If you have a half medicine ball, turn the ball over and stand on the plank of the backside. The balls natural movement are meant to move around. This is great for your inner thighs, core, and backside. As you start to descend, make sure your legs are shoulder width apart and you are going as low as possible. As you move through your reps, you will notice the burn and shake. Much of the shake is contributed based on the uneven surface that you are standing on.

Push Ups:
Today I took 45lb plates and held them at shoulder width vertical. I propped my feet up on a bench and did push ups so I could go lower in a decline set up. What I found is that holding the plates really required my focus and balance. At any time the weights could have gone inward or outward, or rolled forward or backwards. It made my arms burn like nothing I have done before. Going lower also worked my chest differently and arms better than regular push ups. This can also be accomplished with weighted balls in each hand as the surface is not solid.

Seated Abs:
This is great for anyone looking to get a great workout for your core. You need a exercise ball and an open area. Sit on the ball and center your weight. Slowly bring your legs up until they are straight out in front of you. For balance you can raise your arms on both sides. Naturally sitting on the ball, the ball will be shifting back and forth. With your core, balance the ball and flex your abs. You will notice that after about 5 minutes your abs will burn and you will have a whole new workout that you will love. For increased difficulty hold a dumbbell or plate in the air as you balance. The key is to flex your abs and keep your feet at a 90 degree angle to your core.

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