Saturday, October 8, 2011

Guest Post

Hello readers and fans of Mixers Nutrition!

My name's Stephanie and I'm excited to share some of my musings about health and fitness and how to hit those goals.

I graduated from BYU in exercise science, with a fitness and wellness emphasis and got my personal training certification with NASM. Needless to say, there is always much to learn in this field- I need extra motivation and coaching just as much as anyone!

My family and I last fall =)

I think most of us have a pretty good idea of what health really means (if you don't, I'm glad you're reading this blog!) I remember an emphasis in my college classes on health being the absence of disease, which is very true. It's hard to feel good and look good when you've got sickness or injury holding you back. Obviously, some things you can't really help, but many things you can.

1. Sleep-

How in the world did we survive college on only a couple hours a night?? No wonder people gain the freshman 15!! Sleep is huge- at least 7 hours a night will do the trick. Your body and mind both need a break.

2. Water-

I have friends who live off of diet coke. "No calories, it's awesome!," they say. NO. There is no substitution for good old H2O. Furthermore, if you're watching your weight, you do not want to be consuming juice, and soda, and whatever else and consuming all your calories from liquids. I'd much rather be eating FOOD! 64 ounces a day of water at the least. It keeps your digestive system regular, flushes out toxins, beautifies your skin, and gives a sense of satiety. (After all, half the time you think you're "hungry," and then binge, you really were just thirsty- for water.

3. Exercise-

Common sense. You need to get moving to keep your heart healthy. I am HUGE on weight training- girls: be not afraid! I see so many girls on the treadmill an hour or two everyday, running their butts off, but honestly, their bodies aren't changing much. Weight training boosts your metabolism at rest so that you are burning more calories throughout the day, plus you're going to look a lot more toned. Forget the scale. Cardio will make you look good in clothes- weight training will make you look good naked! So why not incorporate both =)

Also, you have got to switch up your routine. I've seen a certain lady on the same elliptical machine every single day, for months. Her figure has not changed at all.. obviously she's hit a plateau, so every 3 weeks or so, pick a new machine, switch things up.

A pound of fat vs. a pound of muscle.... yikes

4. Diet- the biggie

Unfortunately it's true that 70% of being fit constitutes a healthy, clean diet (especially for that 6-pack!!) This is my weakness, since I love sugar, but as they say- everything in moderation. You have got to form healthy habits, which takes a lot of mental work and persistence. Proper nutrition is tough because you have to eat throughout the day, and make those smart choices, whereas with exercise, you can go work out in the morning and be done with it!

I cook and bake comfort foods often: lasagna, cookies, burgers, etc. But just out of habit, I tweak every recipe so it's got added vegetables, or whole wheat flour, or a leaner meat and cheese. It's worth the substitution- and the family rarely notices =)

Getting on the right track to get healthy really sucks, let's be honest. The beginning is so hard but the payoff is so worth it! I'm inspired by weight loss tv shows and stories, and even the Schwabs' 8- week challenges about people who take control back of their bodies and literally cut years off and improved the quality of life of the increased years they have left.

I'm feeling pumped, how about you?! =)

For any additional information and to keep in touch, visit me at

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