Friday, October 14, 2011

More Midway Challenge Posts

Ashley Ludlow
I have had some really awesome personal growth and I've been much more consistent with workouts. I need to be a little more strict with my eating habits, but I think it has to start with my thoughts of food. Why do I eat the foods that I eat? Why do I eat as often as I eat? If I can find real answers, I can probably work through the emotional eating issues I struggle with and fight the mental battle towards overcoming that. I'm loving the journaling and I've been working with a personal trainer, so I'm hoping for awesome results! Thanks again for putting together these challenges! I feel so blessed to be a part of them :)

Julina Hall
At the beginning of this week I weighed in at 114.3 and 19.4% body fat! My goal was to weigh 110 and 20% body fat by the end of the 8 weeks, so I feel like I am accomplishing my goals! It's been tough- I can say that I think a cleanse absolutely works- the first week I lost 5 pounds! But I have had a few weeks of plateau. I do really well with my eating and exercising for 1 or 2 weeks straight and then have a crummy week, and then get so mad at myself for not having perfect self discipline. I'm just coming off of a particularly bad week and so I feel like I've failed. But I have to look at this entire picture- my weight and body fat tracking has been getting consistently lower, and there is less and less jiggle as I run up my stairs! I tend to have high expectations of myself (and others- just ask my husband!) so I have to remind myself that even though I haven't been perfect at eating right (Curse that Halloween candy- why did I ever buy it?!!) or exercising every day, I am still on the right track. I haven't really researched emotional eating, I've bought a few books and thumbed through them. But I think if I started reading them instead of watching tv at night, I would have those ideas in my mind and it would help me be more aware of my eating. My biggest problems are not organizing my meal plan and letting other things get in the way of my exercise time. Changing that will be my biggest priority over the next 4 weeks.
My spiritual goal was to read the scriptures every day for 10 min. I'm still struggling to develop that habit, but I have been listening to the Book of Mormon Audio in my car as I drive. I spend at least 1/2 hour driving everyday- so I feel like I can count that. Its hard though- sometimes I just want to rock out to pop music! Ah . . . Self Discipline!
Wow! Writing this has been rejuvenating! I am re-committed!! 

Jason Hall
I am a little behind schedule. Physically I have been pretty good about keeping to a diet been I've been lax about combining that with working out in the morning. However, I plan to combat that by getting to bed earlier and having my wife pour a bucket of ice water on me at 5am. I have read through 7 of the conference talks. I will win.

MacKenzie Peterson
Wow can't believe it's already half over! Well...the first 2 weeks I was sick and couldn't get rid of it. I felt terrible and had no motivation. But I still made myself eat right and I drank lots of water. I have been pretty sucsessful with not drinking pop. I'm getting up earlier than usual and reading my scriptures. Date nights have happened everyweek with my hubby! (very rare) I am getting so burnt out on my exercise videos and need a change! (Wish I had a membership) I think I have been sucsessful so far, not perfect by any means but I have loved the changes that have come in my life. I have a better day when I start the day out reading my scriptures. I feel better about myself and have more energy when I exercise. My belly has liked me not drinking pop as much. And I'm not getting as frequent belly aches! My husband and I have enjoyed our date nights and it has helped me be a better mommy and wife! Hope to kick in high gear for the rest of the challenge!

Andrea Wilson
I have been doing really well with exercise. Not so well with the diet aspect of my goals though. In spite of not doing perfectly with my food I have lost ten pounds. I have been reading a book a week though and love it! I still have room for improvement when it comes to the tv watching and eating out. I'm glad you have this halfway point check in, I'm re-motivated to get back on track!

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