Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Midway point for 8 week challengers

Jessica Taylor:
This challenge has been different. I have not weighed myself. Just going and feeling out how my body feels. Trying to learn new ways of how my body is my doctor. I am using the challenge as a vehicle to hold myself accountable. I feel great. I am happy and healthy inside and out. My skin is amazing! I feel rested. I feel whole. I have tried raw , vegan , juicing you name it , I have done it, then I came across a concept of whole living . Clean and pure. We can all have our heaven on earth. I have mine. Sleeping is a joy. Being in the now is heaven on earth. Giving every experience my undivided attention.

Scott Schwab:
This challenge has been great. I am finding myself utilizing my time better in the car and I am learning a lot about myself and thinking deeply into where I fit with examples given on CD's. I have done pretty well with waking up early and gettin my day started correctly. I have not been perfect and that will be my goal for the next 4 weeks.
I have also tried something that I didnt set as a goal, but has really been interesting to monitor. I have not been taking protein and fiber. I have noticed that I do not recover as quickly from my workouts and I have been sick a couple of times already. That could be due to the drastic change in weather, but I feel there is a correlation. I am going to get back on schedule with supplements as it allows me better results. My weight is good and I will be in a good situation to have my desired weight in 4 weeks.

Chandi Schwab
Scott and I have done a little test with trying the first 4 weeks without supplements, I am really missing them. Especially the Elite Gourmet whey protein and Profiber. I have really missed that extra energy. I am glad that we will get to get back into our normal supplement routine.
As far as my goals I have done really well except for swimming. I can't seem to get myself back in the pool. When it is cold and crowded, it is so not appealing, so I am going to re-commit to once a week. I think that is doable. I have really been working on speed work on the track, which is my old domain. It is very hard, but I have quickly seen progress, so that is good. It has been a lot of fun too. I do a power pump classes once or twice a week for strength and run hills once a week, along with my distance run on Saturdays. I may need to get into the doctor to get an inhaler, my exercise induced asthma is coming back. I think it is the cold air, it is hard to get used to again. I officially start Boston Marathon training in December, so I guess I need to get used to the cold:0)
It is all about finding balance, I have really put more focus on my kids and their needs, along with balancing time with Scott and my own personal time. life goes by way too quickly but I try to keep myself in check and cross the things that really are not that important off the list. Prioritizing is HUGE. These next 4 weeks I hope to get a lot faster and stronger:)

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