Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A discussion about fat

Scott Schwab:
Analyzing the experience of our friend Drew Manning, we have seen in a relatively short time how much weight can be gained. Simply eating whatever you want, with no portion control, and add in no exercise and you can be there too. Considering there are many body types as well as conditions, there is much to consider with fat.

Body fat is a compound comprised of glycerol -- a substance formed in fatty acids -- and fatty acids which is required as a concentrated energy source for our muscles. Fat is a storage substance for the body's extra calories and it fills fat cells (adipose tissue) that help insulate the body. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrates it begins to depend on the calories from fat.

This simple definition can help us understsnd a couple things. #1 what we eat makes the biggest difference to how we look. If we want to have control of the outcome, we need to control the income. Meaning the incoming of food. Portion control must be something we learn to monitor. #2 the types of food have a bearing on what your outcome will be. Again input directly effects the output. Eating foods that are high in fatty acids, sugars which is another form of sugars, starches, and carbohydrates as they break down through the Hydroxyl compound process.

Fatty acids are also fuel for our muscles. Interestingly there is to much of a good thing. The right amount of fatty acids provide us fuel for our muscles but too much starts the storing process. The other factor that creates storage is actually starving yourself. When our bodies haven't had fuel (food), our bodies preserve the fatty acids as storage to sustain our bodies. The best case scenario is to find the balance of the amount of calories our bodies need. A good benchmark for most people is 2000 calories daily.

Next, choose those calories through food and avoid liquid calories that are high in sugar. Also the consistency of small meals throughout the day are much more important than we think. Metabolisms slow as we age, so we have a better chance to maintain our health and figures by simply taking a different approach. Avoid the fats and the fats will avoid you. Exercise and burn the amount of calories you intake or more. Finally, know that you can and will accomplish anything you set your mind to.

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