
I can do hard things. I now know what a strong person I can be. I know that if I set goals and am determined to achieve something, that I CAN do it! I feel good about my accomplishments! I feel I am such a stronger person physically and spiritually. I loved getting up and starting my day out reading my scriptures. This helped to guide my day and set me straight right off the bat. I loved the person it molded me into each day. I was a better mom and wasn't so grouchy, because I was waking up before the monkeys. I don't like to be woken up, so it was awesome to wake up earlier and get my day going. I have had spiritual experiences along this journey and know it was from being so diligent in my study. I'll admit I did drink pop a few times. What can I say I love it. Date nights have been so nice to add into our routine. It helps us to focus on each other and its so nice to get out of the house without kiddos! I enjoyed exercising and doing it because I want to be healthy and get into shape. I changed my mindset about exercising and it really paid off. I would wake up and couldn't wait to go sweat it out exercising! The results were definitely worth all the work, and sweat. I lost inches all over. I lost 1 1/2 inches in both thighs, 1 in in my rib cage. 1 1/2 in my hips, nothing as far as my rear goes......what can I say I have a booty. I also lost 8lbs. I am also so proud to say that I AM NOW IN JEANS THAT ARE BEFORE KIDS!!! I am so excited about it, and feel good! I am so glad I went on this journey and held myself accountable to achieve my goals. And help to keep a healthy lifestyle going. The picture is in my PRE BABY JEANS!!
Jason Hall


(1) I met my spiritual goal by reading all of the conference talks from the Fall conference online.
(2) I now weigh 198 lbs. (in the mornings.)
(3) I have changed my diet habits in a few ways. I eat smaller portions, and at work I am sticking to green machine drinks with some portions of protien. I have NOT stuck to a regular exercize program however. My weight loss came in most part to my diet change. Not to say I havent exercized...just not that much.
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