Scott Schwab:
In response to last weeks quote, we had a reader that sent back another quote that she felt people need to hear. Often times when grieving or struggling we are told to buck up, move on, and go and turn your energy to others. All good suggestions, but only at certain times and for certain people.
We all morn differently or deal with adversity in our own unique ways. I believe there is a very real time when we should feel what our bodies and minds are trying to communicate to us through sorrow, pain, trial, and grief. Specifically, I believe the greatest earthly harmony will come when we can align our heart and our mind. The best way I think that is accomplished is feel with our minds and act with our hearts.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-John Eldredge-
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