
As of this final post, I weigh 113.3 and 19.3% body fat! I began weighing 122.5, with 22.5% body fat. That's a loss of 9.2 pounds and 3.2 % body fat.
My goal was to weigh 110 and have 20% body fat by the end of the 8 weeks. Although I didn't reach my weight number goal, I am very pleased with lowering my body fat percentage. I feel like I made great strides in the beginning, but then tapered off and hit a plateau. That's mostly because I started out with such great momentum, and then got lazy! But looking back over what I did, here are things that I KNOW made a huge difference for me:
•Cleanse- I mentioned before that I tried to keep my diet vegan, no dairy or meat. I know this was crucial in helping me lose these last 10 pounds that I've been carrying since college. I can tell that my body is Lactose-Intolerant, because; Boy, do I ever bloat the second I eat some cheese or milk! I haven't been perfect with it, but I can safely say that my diet is close to 90% Vegan. And I haven't focused on what I don't eat- but what I DO get to eat, which is tons of vegetables! I can tell a huge difference in my energy levels when I start my day out with a green smoothie. I also have learned to get more protein from beans and lentils. I just feel clean inside- I don't know how else to describe it.
•Crio Bru- I don't want to sound like a commercial but I found this really great product that I've been using pretty consistently these 8 weeks and I know it has made a big difference. Its ground up pure cocoa beans that can be brewed just like coffee. I use a French press and mix it with delicious Aveda herbal tea. It tastes like a sweet spicy chocolate peppermint tea. But the great thing about it, as I was doing research on Crio Bru, there are enzymes in it that inhibit fat from being absorbed and stored in your body. The enzyme attaches onto a fat molecule and naturally flushes it from your system, so that fat you do eat - less of it gets stored on your gut! I originally drank it for the natural energy it gave me- which it does, without any of the jittery-ness I get from caffeine. I have mostly drunk it first thing in the morning these 8 weeks and I know it has helped me lose this weight. Of course I have been exercising and eating well too, but I notice this helps me with energy to work out at a higher intensity, which burns more fat!
•Dinner at 4:30pm - We started eating dinner between 4 and 4:30pm just because my children were starving when they got home from school and this was the ideal time to get them to actually eat a lot of vegetables! But what it did for me- I noticed that if I ate my last meal of the day that early , and didn't eat anything (other than a small piece of fruit if I was really hungry), I slept better and didn't feel heavy and sluggish. I noticed the nights I did that well, I was much happier with the results I saw on the scale the next morning.
Of course I haven't always been perfect at doing these things. The weekend hits and for some reason I equate food with entertainment Friday thru Sunday! I'm still working on that, how to change those habits. But the more healthy I eat, the less enticing junk food and sugar becomes to me. And that is very exciting- that it may not be sheer will power alone that can get me off the white devil sugar addiction, but greens and beans filling me up, turning me into a Clean Food Snob! That is so much easier!
My Spiritual Goal of reading my scriptures every day- well, I have been hit and miss on that unfortunately. I did finish the Audio Book of Mormon, that has been a great experience! I just barely started a new audio religious education lecture series on the life of Christ. I think this is just the best way to get my scripture study in right now- to listen to them while I'm driving. But hey, I'm counting it!
This has been wonderful to share this experience with someone who might actually be reading it! I feel like having a peer support group- even though I don't really know most of you, has made a difference! I want to do the next challenge, just for that social accountability alone!
Mark Pittard


My goals were pretty simple. I wanted to lose 10 pounds and turn a lot of the unwanted fat to muscle. It seems that as I have gone through my twenties that the pounds just keep packing on. I am extremely busy with school, work, and other responsibilities, but it is not an excuse but my reality.
I also set a goal to run 4 times a week. I Wasn't able to accomplish this goal and found that I was to busy with school and work. Life has a funny way of making you choose between a lot of alternatives. Many times they are both good choices. I am trying to implement good, better, best decisions and holding myself accountable.
I was doing extremely well with the eight week challenge the first four weeks, but the last four weeks I struggled to balance the time. Overall I wasn't satisfied with my results. I Need to do better on the next challenge and will try and make it through the Holidays without putting on excess weight.
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