Thursday, March 18, 2010

Facts about protein

Scott Schwab:

I thought that I would take a day to post about protein and the benefits of taking it regularly. As you know both Chandi and I are big proponents of taking supplements, but I also wanted to take the approach of those who do not take it and possibly point out a couple of benefits that one could experience by taking protein.

Protein is the building block of muscles and essential for repair and growth of muscle after exercise. Whenever you exercise, and particularly during resistance exercise, you cause microscopic damage to the myofibrils of muscle fiber. The effect creates a stimulus and environment for muscle repair and growth. The body responds to the damage by sending nutrients, including protein and other growth factors like testosterone, to the muscle to help it grow.

Protein is not used by the muscle, even though at times that is a myth believed. Muscles use fats and carbohydrates for their fuel, except for in extreme circumstances like starvation. Research shows that protein consumed before exercise and within 30 minutes of finishing your workout will help with growth and recovery. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a "macronutrient," meaning that the body needs relatively large amounts of it. Vitamins and minerals, which are needed in only small quantities, are called "micronutrients." But unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply.
Foods High In Protein
-Peanut Butter

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