Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Halfway there!!!

Hello everybody. We are halfway through our 8 week challenge right about now. How is everyone doing?? I thought for sure that these last 4 weeks would yield some great results for me. Oddly enough I didn't improve as much as I thought I would. I've come to the conclusion that I have finally reached a plateau in my quest for fat loss. If any of you have just seemed to hit a wall try switching up your routine. Chances are our bodies have become used to the regiments we have been putting them through. In order to break through it is very very important to shock your body. Start doing exercises that you don't normally do. Swim Swim Swim! I can't say enough good things about swimming. If you're looking for a great full body workout swim 30 minutes a day. LEGS LEGS LEGS! If you haven't been doing a whole lot of leg workouts I urge you to. Your legs are the largest muscle group in your body. When the legs are worked out/stressed your body releases anabolic (muscle building) hormones that will decrease body fat and increase muscle. If you're usually a normal straight bar bell bench press person switch it to dumbells for the last 4 weeks. If you're used to doing a lot of cable work switch to free weights. Pick one specific body part that you would like to improve and just hammer away. Also, I will now be staying away from frozen meats. Lots of frozen meat contains large amounts of sodium. Sodium = water retention. Try going to the store and buying fresh meat THEN freezing it yourself. You will not only have better tasting meat but it won't cause you to retain nearly as much water. If you still haven't tried taking a pre-workout creatine I urge you to! It will change the way you workout forever. Longer, more intense workouts = better lean muscle gains. If you're sick and tired of just showing up to the gym and putting in your 60 minutes ( half effort ) then I really do suggest you try a creatine supplement. Not only will you become more motivated but you will also increase your strength and stamina. Hope all goes well for you brave 8 week challengers. Good luck on the final stretch and I hope to see great after pictures.

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