Friday, January 29, 2010

8 week challenger

Steve Randall:

The goals for my 8 week challenge were to increase my lifts and to gain some weight. at the start of the challenge i weighed 164 pounds. I now weigh 167 pounds and it doesn't appear that i have put on much fat. I kept my diet around 3000 calories per day, with a macro breakdown of around 40/30/30 (Protein,Carbs,Fats) I eat mostly clean when I'm trying to put weight on but i do splurge a little, usually pizza, never candy or any other simple sugar. As far as my workout routine goes, i followed the Layne Norton Power/Hypertrophy routine as shown below. This routine has the best of both worlds, it focuses on volume and strength the first two days of the week, then the other 3 days the focus is growth. I have really enjoyed doing it and it has helped me burst through my plateau. I started out doing 200 pounds 5x5 on bench press, I am now doing 215 pounds 5x5, my squat went from 185 pounds 5x5 to 230 pounds 5x5. If i keep that up my jeans wont fit soon! I have enjoyed this challenge and will continue on this same path since I am making pretty solid gains.
Monday: Upper Power -5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts(5x5 on bulk cause recovery is better, 3x5 on cut) -Barbell Bench Press -Barbell Rows -Military Press -Barbell Shrugs
Tuesday: Lower Power -5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts(5x5 on bulk cause recovery is better, 3x5 on cut) -Back Squat -Stiff Leg Deadlift, Or Romanian DL -6-8 sets of Standing Calf, little higher reps, i like to do 6-8 on heavy days
Wednesday: Off (I usually do some cardio)
Thursday: Hypertrophy Chest/Arms (For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)-DB Incline Bech 3x8-12 -Barbell Close Grip Bench 3x8-12 -DB Flat Bench 2x8-12 -Preacher Curls 3x8-12 super seated with -Standing French Press 3x8-12 -Push Downs 3x8-12 super seated with -DB Hammer Curls -Cable Crossovers 3x8-12 -Machine Curl 3x8-12 super seated with -Machine Dips 3x8-12
Friday: Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps (For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)-DB Shoulder Press 3x8-12 super seated with -DB Front Raise 3x8-12 -DB One Arm Row 3x8-12 super seated with -DB Arnold Press 3x8-12 -Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip) 2x8-12 super seated with -DB Shrugs 2x10-15 -Lat Pull Down (Close grip, palms facing in) 2x8-12 super seated with -DB Upright Row 2x10-15 -T-bar row 2x8-12 (Usually too tired/dead to do this last exercise, but some times i do it)
Saturday: Hypertrophy Legs/Calves (For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)-Hack Squat 5x8-12 super seated with -Standing Calf 5x10-15 -Leg Extensions 5x10-15 super seated with -Sitting Leg Curls 5x10-15 super seated with -Sitting Calf Raise 4x8-12
Sunday: Off
Check out Layne Norton's website: he is a NATURAL professional bodybuilder and power lifter, such an inspiration to do things the right way.

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