Monday, January 4, 2010
The Principle of perspective
Scott Schwab:
I am reading a book called First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. It is a great book and lends to the idea that our preconceived notions could be wrong. I enjoy the books that challenge my thought and opinion and this is one that has done that. As I read the chapter on temptations, it brought up the common school of thought about teaching people to do exactly as the manager does or the most successful sales associate. The problem with this is the fact that we are all individuals and do our work in different ways. The book is very clear from a managers stand point about treating people like individuals. Everyone can do tasks differently and still have a successful result. I want to relate that to exercise and dieting. Many times our decisions are influenced by what we see or hear in the media or from friends. This is not a bad thing and consider yourself normal. The problem exists when we try and do something in diet or exercise that someone else has done and had great success with; and we do not. Do not feel that you are worthless or meant to be out of shape. Look at this as a challenge. This is why so often people will jump from diet to diet, because somebodies mothers brother sister had success. I think that often times people get down when they do not have the results that the person you heard it from, did. The journey is not the means, it is the end. Focus on what the end result is and realize that as an individual, you can get there in a different way. Now I am not saying don't ever listen to suggestions from others about diet and exercise, but take it with a grain of salt. If it doesn't work for you take the good and implement it to something else. seldomly does the answer come from just trying a couple of things. That is why it is called the lifestyle change, because it takes a lifetime to improve and adjust. One of the most effective ways with getting the body to respond is trial and error. Don't be afraid to try something new, just because the others didn't work. Who knows, you may find your success comes from something nobody has tried. The point is, that we all have goals for better health. They should include healthy eating and exercise, but there is not just one way to get to your goal.
On another note the master cleanse is going well so far. As promised that ingredients have done as they said they would. Read the directions though. I thought that the mixture for the day required 12 tablespoons of cayenne pepper, when in reality it is a 1/2 teaspoon. You can imagine the pain and surprise.
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As I read Scott's post for today it really caught my attention when he said, "Don't be afraid to try something new, just because the others didn't work." With that I wanted to share my little success story because I am proud of the small progress I have made thus far. I have always had a hard time going to the bathroom. I have tried every fiber in the book, every cleanse, etc. Knowing this SCott gave me the fiber that he sells as a trial. I drink it three times a day, in a shake or alone and it has made a world of a difference. Before it was every week or two that I could go, now I can go everyday. I'm sure that there are other factors that play into it like diet and exercise but I also know that this is one thing that has helped me and I feel so much better...and I think that is the goal in the end anyway.