Saturday, January 30, 2010

8 week challenger

Arielle Taylor:
8 weeks! As I said in my previous post, I wasn’t fully committed the whole time. But it feels good to say that I worked pretty hard near the latter half of the challenge. Not only do I look better, I feel healthier. My eating habits improved dramatically (I even gave up chocolate for a time!), I ran every day, and I was able to enroll in a weight lifting class. I lifted quite a bit during high school, but since then I hadn’t been keeping it up. Even though I know running made a huge a difference, I want to say that weight lifting will always hold a soft spot in my heart, and I believe it has helped me in this process dramatically. I didn’t have spectacular results, but I know my body is on the rise! It doesn’t take a new and “guaranteed work out” to see a difference, just some drive and a little bit of self control. I have come to appreciate the knowledge that losing weight and getting fit is more than looking good. It’s about gaining confidence and feeling better about yourself. This wasn’t just an 8 week challenge for me. It was a shift in my every day habit; a lifestyle change.

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