Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kimmy Cowley:
I am going to take a guess and say that everyone reading this most likely has a ‘New Years Resolution’ to start working out, loose weight or eat healthier! And for some of us…. We are hoping it will last longer then three weeks! Goals are great! But we need to do more then write them on paper! I recently was feeling a little unproductive even though I was going to school full time and had a time consuming job, I just wanted something to work for that would better myself! I always admired those who ran marathons but NEVER even thought I would be able to do such a thing! I started to do some research and found myself training for a half marathon! To get started, I signed up for the race early to reserve a spot and to get myself ~stuck in doing it~ because I pre-paid! On a calendar, I wrote in how many miles I would run everyday till the race! Now, I am NOT a runner and NEVER have been, so the first week I started with 2-3 miles. I decided to run early in the mornings while I was “unconscious” so I couldn’t talk myself out of it! Gradually, it got easier and easier while I increased my mileage. Every Saturday was my Long Run where I increased my mileage by 1 mile, until I got to 13 miles!!!! AND boy did I love how I felt every Saturday!! SO ACCOMPLISHED!!!!! Not only was I feeling good, but my body was in its BEST CONDITION!!! Now, I’m no trying to convince you to go run a marathon… but am challenging you to make a goal AND FOLLOW THROUGH with it!  MAKE exercising a part of your daily routine! Yes, we all have days where we just don’t feel like going but CHALLENGE yourself and GO ANYWAY!!! Nobody ever regrets it AFTER working out!! AND Remember, Its never to LATE To feel better and look GREAT!


  1. Great job! nice story! hot pic!
    love, Kristin

  2. You are AWESOME Kimmy! You inspire us all!
    Lots of love, Erin
