Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Scott Schwab:

With all of the great workouts that are available today, I had an idea to share one that I think is phenomenal. This one could partly be done at home so those of you that do not attend a gym, this ones for you.

Push ups

We all know the benefits of doing push ups, but what about trying push ups while you flex your core and raise one foot in the air. I know it sounds similar to getting a mail in rebate, but it works so good. Keep your feet on an elevated surface and simply lift one leg into the air. You will find that as you get up there in push ups, that you will feel the burn from your legs all the way into your back. Not to mention the abs will love you for it. Look at different placement for your hands, and realize that even by positioning your hands different by one inch, you will notice different areas being worked. I love push ups and it is something that provides great results and that you can do anywhere.


These can also be called spider crawls, superman, and anything else for doing a handstand against a wall. The key though is to stay up on your arms as long as you can and slowly but surely work yourself up to being able to do vertical push ups. Realize that you can get a great result by lowering your body as slow as you can all the way until your head is on the ground. Again the key is to go as slow as possible so you feel the burn.

Rope Pull

This does have to be done at the gym unless you own tubing or a universal weight set at home. Essentially you will grab the tool that looks like a rope with plastic balls on the end. Put a comfortable weight on and raise the weight pulley to the highest setting. Turn about face and position yourself to where you have a slight bend in the knees and pull the rope from above your head to extend your arms completely forward as if you were looking directly at your hands.


The row is another workout that most likely have to be done at the gym on the machine. It is one of the most effective back workouts that I have ever had. Along with giving you a great cardio workout, it will give you a complete workout for your back.


I love to end a workout with these. Grab a pad or a piece of rug at home and position your body so you are on your elbows and toes and hold the position as you flex your abs. It is a killer on the abs and notice the slow adjustments in your positioning that will work the different areas of the abs. Without collapsing turn to the side and position yourself so you are sideways, but up on your feet, sideways and your elbow. Work at elevating yourself as much as you can. It is best if your bicep is away from your rips. Also take your free standing hand and point it in the air or dip your body down to see if you can get as close to the ground without touching. Repeat the same for the other side, again without collapsing.

Here is an effective video to help explain what the plank is:

This is the side plank performed:

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