Friday, September 3, 2010

Me against the world

Scott Schwab:

Do you ever have those days when everything seems to be stacking up against you? Well I had mine yesterday and thought I would share the humorous story. Yesterday started in a busy rush getting things done for the weekend celebration. I had a couple of meetings and badly needed to do some work on the computer. Since my computer moves at the speed of molasses and is ridiculously efficient, doing the most simple of task takes forever. However, we made it through the morning with little to no problems.

It was when we made the decision to take off on a whim and leave for a trip that we weren't planning on leaving until today. We quickly packed and left our house, forgetting much of the things that we would need. Second thing is we stopped to grab some Wendy's in hopes to feed the kids and continue making good time. That was until, without warning Cambree shot throw up all over herself, the back seat and her sister. Tears and screams were bursting out and all I could do is look in the rear view mirror; thinking, this is going to stink. We ended up pulling over at the gas station and trying to clean the best way possible the nasty smell and regurgitated fries and nuggets. Furthermore, I guess Gavin hasn't had much experience with cigarettes and started playing in the butts left in the container outside the store. As Chandi and I are cleaning the car some guy says, "dude not cool, to Gavin for playing in the used butts. He then looks at me like I am the idiot, while he smokes a cigarette." Ironic, hmmm, yeah like rain on your wedding day.

We get back on the road, but threw away the blanket and clothes that Cambree had on. I guess that was her favorite blanket and another just would not due. So we listened to cries for another couple of hours. As I was driving at an accelerated rate, throw up smell all around, I got pulled over. I guess I had just passed into a 55 mile an hour zone and Wyoming police don't understand that going 81 is not kosher. Well after a ticket and friendly advice from the local law enforcement, we were back on the road. Just when I thought, this day just needs to end, blue and red lights flashing in my rear view. Yep a second cop about 30 miles later pulls me over. I asked for what and he said that I was hugging the white line while I was driving. At this point I looked at Chandi and just started laughing with something she said. If you have never seen Dan in Real Life, you should rent it this weekend. There is a part where he is pulled over multiple times and makes the remark, "put it on my tab". That is definitely how I felt, but did not say the famous line. Luckily, I got away on a warning and great advice to stay between the yellow and white lines, on my side of the road.

Life is to funny not to bust up and laugh out loud. Life has a funny way of kicking you down, but laughter makes the scrapes hurt so much less. We did go on a hike today, and I had the best work out that I have ever had. I had Gavin on my shoulders as we went on a mile hike. Even more satisfying then the burning glouts, was being able to be with my family. With your health, it is essential that you surround yourself with people you love, and activities that can show appreciation for life. I am not a hiker, in fact I don't like it at all. However, building a memory with my family and seeing nature through a landscape that few will see, is life changing. Do something fun this weekend, if not anything else spend sometime with someone you love and enjoy the world around you. If for nothing else I hope you had a laugh from our misfortune, because now looking back I can laugh out loud. Have a great Labor Day.

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