Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 9 of 57 (more 8 week challengers)

Dyan Vallace

1. Avoid Gluten, Dairy, and Eggs (due to food allergies)

2. Exercise at least 3 times a week (hopefully more)

3. Eat more protein and Fiber (shake a day)

Trent Vallace

1. Support my wife and have the same goals

2. Avoid Gluten, Dairy, and Eggs

3. Exercise at least 3 times a week

4. Eat more protein and Fiber (Shake a day)

5. Stretch more and have better flexibility

Brittney Schwab

1. Start my day with a protein shake and vitamins

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

3. Do the master cleanse

4. Do 1 workout class and 4 workouts per week

5. Spend 1 day per week doing no homework. Relaxation with the family

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