Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Abs-olutely shattering

Scott Schwab:

I continue to look for and experiment with Ab workouts and found one that will have you begging for more. This can be done in a variety of ways and may have more proper names, but I will do my best and see what you think.

Knee raises

These aren't your mama's knee raises and will cause a burn up and down your stomach that you will remember. Position yourself under a pull up bar and grab a dumbbell that you can squeeze between your feet. The goal is to hold the weight in between your feet and hold yourself up so your legs are off the ground. As you pull yourself up you will position your arms at a 98 degrees angle. Just kidding Nick Lache and the gang would appreciate that though. 90 degree angle and start lifting your knees as high to your chest as possible. For a better burn allow your legs to drop slowly as you hold the weight between your feet. The more vertical you get after the knee raises the better. After you have done 10 reps begin working your obliques by swinging your legs, with the weight from side to side. If you do it right you will get a workout that will work your entire upper body, and even you hamstrings and bum from holding up the weight. Choose a weight that is light, yet will work you. Also make sure that you are doing 4 sets.

Standing dips

This is done with dumbbells in your hand. The dumbbells should be heavy enough that you don't curl the weight, but light enough that you are not throwing out your back. Remember that the weight is not the key, it is the form. Take a weight in each hand and have your arms down to each side. Now take the weight and let it naturally pull your body directly to the side and slowly take the weight towards your knees. As you are letting the one side pull you down you will also be lifting the other weight up like a pulley. Repeat on both sides 20 times total (10 on each side), for a love handle workout that is sure to burn. You can also do this with a hand on one hip and only have one dumbbell in your hand for 10 reps and switch sides. The optimal number is 4 sets with 10 reps each.

Perpendicular Pull-up

This will not require any dumbbell, but will use your bodies natural weight. This is a difficult exercise and should only be done if you are comfortable doing regular pull-ups. Get in regular pull up position with knuckles facing you. As you pull your body up to begin the pull-ups, take your legs and hold them perpendicular to the ground. This is the position that you will hold your body in as you pull yourself up and let yourself down. Try and do 10 reps, but realize that you can also do the amount that your body will allow.

Circle of death

I don't know where I got the name, but college rings a bell. Trust the name and make sure that you are doing 80% of your body weight. Take the rope and hook it to the universal machine at the top latch. Adjust the weight accordingly and grab a pad or towel for your knees. As you grab the rope, you will position your arms in a 45 degree angle so that your arms are right above your head. As you pull the rope to the floor, focus on your elbows touching the ground. Another focus should be flexing your abs and making sure that you are back far enough from the weight machine that it is naturally stretching your stomach muscles. After you have done 10 reps, you will then begin pulling the weight down from side to side and having the left elbow touch the ground on the right side and the right elbow touching down on the left side; repeated 20 times (10 times each side). Work in 4 sets and you are truly a warrior.

My suggestion is to do one exercise after another, rather then doing on exercise 10 reps at 4 sets and then moving on to the next exercise. Doing the exercises in a series will keep your body going and adjusting to the exercise so that you are confusing those muscles. Circuit training will also help your stamina and focus so as not to get lazy between sets. Good luck and let me know what you think about the workout.

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