Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 1 of 57 days

Scott Schwab:

I have counted out the days, and the last day will be November 8th. I think in times past we have taken are minds off the goal, because we thought 8 weeks is long enough and I will make adjustments when needed. In this way we are counting down the days and know precisely when we will be done with the challenge.


Decide today what cleanse you will do. This can be done any day this week and can be done as long as you would like. There are cleanses that we have posted in the past and a ton of cleanses online. Find one that works for you and set the time aside to get it done. I am doing one that is a lemonade cleanse. Part of it includes drinking sea salt in warm water in the morning. This will clean out all of the toxins in your body and allow you to start from scratch.

Depending upon how far along you are with your fitness, do something today where you can either walk, run, jog, swim, or do some house cleaning or even yard work. Anything that is going to get your heart rate up and start with baby steps like "What about Bob".

It will also be important to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Avoid eating out. It will not only be good for your health, but good for your wallet. Sometimes you have no choice and when you are in this position, make a healthier choice. A key to any routine is to hydrate yourself. The simple breakdown is to drink your weight divided by 2 in ounces. In this way you will be sure to flush unneeded toxins and chemicals out of your body. Toxins and chemicals prevent you from losing weight and feeling healthy.

Finally, it should be a goal to avoid as much sugar as possible. The worst kind of sugar is High-fructose corn syrup, which you find in a lot of sodas and beverages. Your body does not know what to do with sugars, processed foods, or dies(flavoring extracts, coloring). So when the body does not know what to do with something it holds onto it and usually stores it.

The most important thing that you do with this is have fun and avoid the thought of any negativity. You can do this and you are talented and have more then enough will power. The goal is not to completely change in 8 weeks. It is to start the process of making lifestyle adjustments that are long term, as apposed to diets with the short term. Set yourself up for success and eliminate temptation by not having the foods that do not help you. Try to eliminate the drinks that are loaded down with sugar. Finally implement an exercise routine, no matter how small, that will keep your heart healthy and calories burning.

1 comment:

  1. Scott & Chandie,
    I just came upon your blog and found it to be so inspirational and motivating. I put you on my blog list. I think it will help me keep going and not give up. Thank you!
