Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 of 57

Scott Schwab:

When considering the areas that will have the most effect on your success, you must consider consumption. What you consume, is often more important then what you burn. Though it is not an equal equation of wanting to burn off what you eat, the basic formula of tracking what you eat is key to success. This happens in a couple of different ways.

Eating consistently

The purpose behind consistent eating is keeping your metabolism working. Eating three times per day will not allow your metabolism to be as effective. The problem with eating every four to five hours at best is that your body will begin a starvation effect. This effect is holding onto calories and fats to support the basic systems in the event that no more food is consumed. The body naturally does this so we have nothing to do with this. The goal is to fuel your body. Whether you are trying to gain weight or lose weight you must fuel your body. The difference becomes that calorie intake. Calorie intake should be set by you and the goals that you want to accomplish. Though we have a guide of 2000 per day, we want to make sure that the 2000, if our guide, is the right type of calories. In short, make sure you are eating snacks or multiple meals per day. This means 6 small meals per day or 4 meals with 2 snacks. Again make sure the consumption of calories is worth it and points to your goals.

Snack Ideas:

Protein shake



Whole Wheat


Grilled chicken

Eating Right

I think for the most part people know generally what is good for their bodies. However, there are a lot of products that seem healthy for you, but ultimately are setting us back. For instance, a smoothie from McDonalds or even Jamba Juice are loaded with sugars, that the body will struggle with digestion. Food allergies are at an all time high, and many doctors believe that this is the case of high processed food diets. We are a fast food country, so immediately the odds are stacked against us. However if you plan accordingly you will be successful. Avoid foods that are high in sugar, especially high concentrations of corn syrup. Generally if it is the first ingredient, it means that it is not good for you. Foods that are high in sodium should also be monitored. Now I am not saying to eliminate everything in your fridge and cupboards. When making the decision at the store, look at comparing items. Usually you can find a product that is less fat or an alternative.

Mental Dieting

Sacrifice is a principal that should be maintained within a lifestyle change. The reason that many diets do not work, is the sacrifice usually means stopping cold turkey and saying goodbye to all of the unhealthies of our lives. A lifestyle change allows for the foods we enjoy, but in small amounts. Body for life, a book that has helped millions, gives a person a free day, each week to eat whatever they want with limits. As we continue to live a certain lifestyle, it is apparent that other things from the past will eventually become less important. With eating, we must be disciplined. Many of us don't want to be told what we should eat. So don't be told what to eat, but eat much less and balance the consumption. We are in control and need to have in our minds the types of foods we choose to consume, and the portion sizes. In general the food the restaurants serve are double the amount we should eat. Our stomach is about the size of our fist, but elastic and can stretch. What happens to the stomach as we continue to stretch it? It grows. For this purpose we need to monitor the portion size and eat accordingly. Smaller meals and slower consumption are the difference makers. We eat so fast that by the time our body registers that we are full, we have already stuffed ourselves.


Eat multiple times per day for your metabolism

Eat better calories and make good choices for consumption

Eat meals the size of your fist

Eat slower and drink a lot of water with meals

Make decisions about what and how much you will eat at meals

Eat to live, not live to eat

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