Friday, September 10, 2010

8 week challenge 101

Scott Schwab:

There have been some questions that I wanted to clarify for anyone that is new to the site, and more importantly new to the 8 week challenge. We have had more people have interest then ever, and with more interest comes more questions.

The challenge is meant for you to set a goal, a routine, and a model for achieving success. We have hundreds of workouts that you can choose from for a daily routine, and more will come. Truthfully, it does not matter so much what you do, but as long as you something. More then anything the important part is to manage your lifestyle and not start another diet. Diets don't work, lifestyles changes do.

A person would need to formulate a list of goals, and a planned routine, and attach a picture of where they are today. The time frame of 8 weeks is set and during that time you can expect helpful hints, recipes, workout ideas, and a host of support to help you achieve your goal. It is completely free and all we ask is that you give your best and be helpful when the day of reckoning arrives. The goal is not to try and as time goes on quit! The challenge is to hold you and I accountable to what you want to accomplish. You will reach a goal faster and have an 80% higher success ratio when you set goals, hold yourself accountable, and have others hold you accountable. This would be like a friend or family member to challenge with, or have the group keep you accountable.

As we head into the hibernating months, it is important to have a routine down that will help you avoid the dreaded winter weight that many of us gain through the holiday season. Perfection is not the key, it is continued work and effort that get you to the point where you define perfection. Being perfect is living how you would like and knowing that you have a routine that will drive you to better health and happier days. Being healthy makes one happy, not a particular size or weight. We have never asked a person to be at a certain weight, because body types will always vary and people can be healthy at different sizes. The truth is that 2/3 of our population is over weight or obese. That is incredible. With that being said, it is important to avoid like the black plague unhealthy eating and living or it will be the black plague.

The purpose is simply to help everyone that chooses to make a change in their lives and dedicates themselves to do what they want to do. We all need help and I have found that it has come from other people coaching me through decisions of what is healthy and what is not. I have also learned through my own experience of what is good for my body and what is not good. Join the 8 week challenge of not just something to do, but something that you will accomplish.

So choose a routine, set some goals, take a picture and be ready to start on Monday morning. We always suggest starting with a cleanse and more then anything establishing better eating habits. For instance good goals are to eliminate soda, reduce eating out at restaurants, avoid situations where you know that you will break. For instance, I cannot have ranch dressing on the table during meals or I will put it on everything and probably take ranch shots. Keeping cookies in the pantry is another no no. Inevitably I get a sweet tooth at night and it is on like donkey Kong. I can eat an entire Oreo package in one sitting. The reason that I say this, is I know myself and know my weaknesses so I set myself up for success rather then failure.

There are a lot of ideas on the blogs for cleanses, for routines, and past goals from participants. Send your email of participation to:

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