Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Arm yourself

Scott Schwab

I wanted to post a great workout for those of you looking to improve the look of your arms. Here are 4 exercises that will not only have benefits for the upper body as a whole, but if done write, you can expect some great definition.

Prone Incline Rear-delt raise

For this exercise you will straddle an adjustable bench and position yourself in front of a mirror. In this way you can see the proper form and know what to look for. The bench will be in a 45 degree angled position. As you are sitting facing the bench, you will take two dumbbells of equal weight and let them hang. As you lift them up from the starting position make sure your elbows are up and out. This will give you the best results. Also make sure that you are not trying to power lift in this position. A lower weight is better to try until you are comfortable.

Dumbbell Raise

Standing upright you will take two dumbbells and have the weights down to your side. Rotate your hands until they are pointing away from your body. From this position go straight up towards the side until your arms are perpendicular to your body with arms stretched out. This exercise is most beneficial when you take your time and allow it to be slow and precise.

Behind the neck Press

This exercise requires you to be seated upright and have a bar bell rather then dumbbells. The exercise is exactly as it sounds. Get the barbell off the rack and extend arms as far above the head as possible. At that point bring the bar slowly behind your head until you lightly touch your neck. Explode at this point back to the starting position above your head.

Wide-Grip upright row

This is an exercise that will be performed with the barbell and not with dumbbells. The key is the positioning on the barbell in making sure that the hands are more then shoulder width apart. As arms are to the side and the bar is in front of you at about the thigh level. You will take your hands, (knuckles up) and slowly raise the weight straight up until it almost touches your chin. Slowly take the weight back down until arms are fully extended at resting position.

Killer abs

Lay on your side with your bottom arm tucked to the side of the body and the upper arm holding your head up off the ground. The key is to pull the head up gently and bring your legs that are slightly elevated off the ground and meet in the middle. The key is to keep your feet and knees touching. Try and touch your knee with your elbow as you twist upwards. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Like with other exercises in the regiment. Do four sets of 10 reps with each of the arm exercise. With the killer abs go until you burn out. However that is the number you establish with the remaining 3 sets for each side. You should only rest about 1 minute between the sets. Do both sides left and right immediately after the other.
On a final note I wanted to introduce a guest blogger for tomorrow. John Gibson, is a friend of mine that I grew up with years ago. Reconnecting with John was great, but it turns out that he is a personal trainer and is known for phenomenal results. He has written up some great suggestions and is available if anyone is looking to get the extra edge for the up and coming 8 week challenge. Remember to have your photos in and get some friends so it is easier and you can have fun with it. The goal is to be in shape for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Good Luck

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