Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 8 of 57 (The hard facts behind Soda!!!!)

Scott Schwab:

I had an interesting and insightful article sent to me that I thought I would pass on. There have been many scientists exploring the causes of soda on our lives; specifically sugar being the problem. This is very interesting and supports what we have always said, get off the juice. Even diet is harmful for your body.

No one picks up a soda seeking a sugar-rush, an energy crash and a side of depression, but that’s exactly what your body goes through with each can.
But what about diet sodas? Aren’t they harmless? Think again. Here’s a 60 minute timeline of what happens in your body after you drink a can of regular or diet soda...
Within 10 minutes – 100% of your recommended daily intake of sugar enters your system.

20 minutes – Insulin goes into overdrive as your blood sugar spikes. The liver transforms all sugar that it can into fat.

40-45 minutes – Complete caffeine absorption: dilated pupils, risen blood pressure, and full alertness as adenosine receptors in the brain are blocked to prevent drowsiness. Pleasure centers in the brain are stimulated by the dopamine your body is now producing. (Physically the same way heroine works).

60 minutes – CRASH! As your body tries to resume normal function, irritability and sluggishness sets in. Also, time for a potty break! You will soon be flushing out all of the water, bonded calcium, magnesium, zinc, and electrolytes (any of the good) which came with your soda, plus more of your body's mineral reserves along with it. One more thing to look forward to: a caffeine crash in just a few hours.
This is what happens to your body every time you drink a can of soda. But what if you had a habit of drinking a can of soda every day? It does a lot more than just give you a daily sugar high. It affects more than just your pleasure-sensors. Over time, here's what you can expect: Super-sized waistline- Diet or regular, both types of soda have been linked to obesity. Soda increases your appetite, causing cravings which lead to overeating.

Dentist bills – Expect an increase in cavities and tooth decay. The combination of sugar and acid attack tooth enamel.

Heart Disease – The American Heart Association has published a study stating that women who drink soda daily have a 40% higher risk of heart attacks or death from heart disease than those who rarely drink soda.

Bone Weakening – Displaces calcium which lowers bone density and increases the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

Diabetes – Excessive sugar and calories lead to weight gain and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. A Nurse’s Health Study found that women drinking one or more servings daily of sugary drinks or soft drinks were twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
One 20 oz bottle of soda contains roughly the same calories and double the sugar of a candy bar milkshake, and the same amount of sugar and calories 15 cups of buttered popcorn! Why drink calories and sugar? Stick to water and herbal teas, and save your calories for what counts. If you must have a sweet pick-me-up, enjoy a dessert made of whole foods instead.

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