Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Victim Of Your Own Trap

Chandi Schwab

I decided to help you stay clear of a vicious cycle or trap that I have found myself in lately. First of all a little over a week ago our 2 year old got suspended from the daycare at the gym for biting. This makes it hard on our schedule because It takes awhile for us both to go back and forth. I usually opt to not go at all and to just go on a run or workout at home. Last week was crazy and we didn't get to bed until midnight every night. We usually are in bed by 10:30 on weeknights (I know... we sound like old people). And to top it off since Valentines Day seemed to last for 4 days I was not on top of eating well at all. I am a pretty scheduled person, so when my schedule gets thrown off for more than a bit I find myself fall into the trap of laziness. I continue to stay up late and sleep in in the morning, I don't get good workouts in because I don't feel good from the treats that I ate the night before, it is a horrible trap that is hard to get out of because one lazy act leads to another. Needless to say, this is a bad way to start off this 8 week challenge so I am committing to snap out of it. I went on my morning run this morning and I plan on waking up earlier tomorrow so that I can go to the gym. If any of you are in the same boat I urge you to do what you can to stop the cycle. I am so much happier and feel so much better when I try to live a healthier lifestyle. For those of you that hang out with us you know that we are so far from perfect when it comes to eating healthy, but we are continually making the effort to get back on track and be better. As long as you have more healthy days than not that is a great start!!Good Luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Chandi I am sooo glad you posted this, because it's exactly what I've been feeling!! I thought starting your 8 week challenge would be the only motivation I would need, but I've still been stuck in a rut. The gym on base doesn't have a daycare, so my hubby and I have to take turns going to the gym, and my only good time is really early in the morning (I am sooo not a morning person either), and I've been procrastinating on going. This is exactly what I've needed to get my butt going! :) Thank you!!
