Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting Back to the Basics!!

Drew Cavner
For those of you looking to up your results for the new 8 week challenge, open your eyes and ears. As many of you know it takes time and commitment to change your body. It's not a 1,2, or even 3 week process. It takes time and great effort. The best advice I can offer for the next 8 weeks is "DON'T BE A SLAVE TO THE SCALE". I want everyone to focus more on body composition change rather than actual number fluctuations. If I weigh 210 lbs and I lose 5 lbs of fat and gain 5 lbs of muscle I will weigh the exact same, but I will look completely different. I always use the way my clothes fit, and how I look as a measurement tool. The biggest mistake I see people doing is starving themselves of protein and other important nutrients just to get their "number" down. Someone that loses 10 lbs of muscle and 10 lbs of fat will have accomplished nothing. For the next 8 weeks I want people to say, "I want to go from a size 36 pant to a size 32". "I want to go from a size xl shirt to a Large". Use that as your motivation rather than weighing yourself every single day.
With all of that being said I want to briefly touch upon supplementation that will help you reach the goals that you have set for yourself. PROTEIN! PROTEIN! PROTEIN! Without an adequate amount of protein you will not be able to build or even maintain muscle. Without muscle you cannot obtain that "Lean" or "toned" look. If you don't have enough time to prepare 6 full meals per day start considering taking a protein powder. It's fast, easier, and helps you get on a proper eating schedule. If you're not a breakfast person make a shake with fruits and berries mixed with your protein powder. If you don't have time to make a snack or any other meal you are always able to substitute it with a protein powder. Focus on getting 1 to 1.5 grams of protein for every lb of lean body mass. For those of you that are having a problem building muscle or putting that extra time in the gym consider taking a creatine/pre workout supplement.


CREATINE simply enables your muscles to contract for a longer period of time. If you like to run try supplementing creatine. If you typically fail after a mile of running creatine can help you push your limits. Going from running 1 miles to 2 can be huge for your cardiovascular system AND for fat burning purposes. If you workout 5 days a week for an hour (60 minutes) that equates to 300 minutes (5 hours) obviously.. Say you supplement with creatine and you are able to workout for an hour and a half (90 minutes) per day 5 days a week (450 minutes). That's an extra 2 to 3 hours a week that you are training/building muscle, and burning fat. That's an extra 6 to 8 hours a month. All in all that equates to an extra week of training in 1 month. That's huge!! Stacking a creatine with a protein powder can have a huge impact on your progress. I urge everyone to at least give protein and creatine a try. Trust me, once you supplement with basics like creatine and protein you will never want to workout without them!!

The protein and creatine that I am currently taking is; Myogenix Myolean Evolution (protein) and Myogenix Hypershock (pre-workout/creatine)

If you're going try these two supplements out I urge you to contact Scott or myself and we will be able to set you up with a discount. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions about supplementations.

1 comment:

  1. Drew- Great post. There is such a misconception about creatine. I swear people think that if you take it, you will start to retain water and just put on weight. I have experienced the total opposite. I take it to help increase my workouts and build muscle. The more muscle you have and use, the more fat you can burn. Is that safe to say as an equation? I think people generally want to go to the gym and do it naturally, but all of the products that are used in the Myogenix, line are the most natural and pure products avaialable on the market. Thanks for the post.
