Friday, February 5, 2010

Get Ready...for the next 8 week challenge!

Chandi Schwab
I just want to let you all know about our next 8 week challenge which starts on Monday Feb. 8th. This is perfect timing because the holidays are behind us and it will end the first part of April. What you need to do if you want to join is send me a before picture.(you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in to show your results...please keep it appropriate though) The reason we are having you send your before picture in now is so it doesn't get lost and to help you feel more motivated. The pictures should be sent to me by Sunday feb. 7th. The point of it is to help motivate each other to meet our health and fitness goals and to establish a healthy lifestyle.You will be asked to write a post once during the 8 weeks of what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them and then you will post at the end sharing your pictures and a paragraph about how it went and how you feel it has helped you.We are more than willing to give you any pointers if needed so feel free to ask any questions. Send your pictures to me at
We are anxious to see who is participating!At he end of the 8 weeks there will be a poll and the top female and top male will get a T- shirt and Supplement of their choice. Good Luck everyone!!!


  1. I LOVE these! It is such a great tool and source of motivation for me to stay on track with healthy eating and exercise.

  2. Totally charged up for this. The luster of New Years' Resolutions has faded and I've been grasping for some other motivation... this came just in the nick of time. Can't believe I just send those nasty 'before' pics.... thanks, guys!
