Thursday, February 4, 2010

Attention Gentlemen

Scott Schwab:

I wanted to post on something that I was made aware of, just this week. I guess when males turn 25 years old, each progressive year, their testosterone levels decrease by 1% yearly. The problem only intensifies through time and starts to really take place after age 40. The alarming thing is not that all men are losing their manhood, but the effects this has on health and maintaining ones body structure. Every male and female has a balance of estrogen and testosterone. In most people this ratio is not a 50/50% even mix. It varies in every individual and that is what makes each of us unique. Another factor with men particularly is that with the testosterone decreasing more estrogen is left in the body. With the estrogen in place, we find that men will retain more water and potentially put on more fat. This affect causes the body to change in appearance and many times leaves a nice round bowl full of jelly. The reason for the growth in a horizontal fashion, is the lack of testosterone stop burning the fat. The fat now sits and makes a permanent home on the body. Testosterone is a key element for fat loss and maintaining body composition. Without it, you can kiss the days of your six pack and defined body goodbye. There are other factors involved and likely the biggest is the decreasing activity of the metabolism. This gives more reason then ever to get up, get out, and get exercising. In this way you can avoid the change in body composition and fat packing. I will be starting the testosterone booster from Myogenix during this next 8 week challenge. In that way I can give you some personal feedback. However, the research I have done says find something safe and take it regular and the results that you can expect are lean muscle growth, muscle maintenance, and a natural fat-burner that can help you get your sexy back. GET ER DONE

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