Sunday, February 7, 2010


Scott Schwab:

Last weekend we were at a nephews basketball game and there was a quote on the wall that I really liked. I may mess it up, but if you ever go to Taylor View Junior High, in Idaho Falls Idaho, you can see it in the gymnasium.

"No exercise for seven days makes one weak"

A little play on words of course, but you get the point. It is difficult to start new habits, and we recommend that you ease into them, so you do not disrupt your motivation or resolve. Many times people get so sore that they stop working out for that week. Weeks become months, and a month can become a year. It takes 21 days to start a habit and really only a couple to ruin the habit. As frustrating as that is, the odds are stacked against us. That is why it is so important to set a goal, and then plan a specific course of how you will achieve that goal. If it is important enough to fill your thoughts and be part of your conversations, then it is important enough to write down and make a plan for obtainment. If it is important enough to write down, then it is surely important enough to achieve. Give your best or don't give! Go big or go home! Get er done! Whatever you respond to, lets get things going together. There is little reason for not obtaining the desires and goals that you have. However, there is every reason to become the person that you desire through your goals and desires. Like the Home Depot says, "Lets build something together." The purpose of the 8 week challenge is to learn together, what is most effective and beneficial. It is very difficult to really make a lot of changes in 8 weeks. The principle in the challenges, is that you can set your mind to something and in small increments obtain your goals. It takes time to do anything worthwhile, and we have had a lot of fun doing these challenges and seeing peoples results.

Send your pictures in today and through the week. The new you 8 week challenge starts tomorrow February 8, 2010 - April 5, 2010. Good Luck


  1. Hey! What does the 8 week challenge entail??? I think I might be interested. Oh, I was also wondering how much you sell your protein powder for? Thanks so much!

  2. OK, I'm in! I am so tired of being "fluffy" and cheesey! I am way too ashamed of how I have let my body go to send in a picture exposing the grossness, but I am committing to the 8 week challenge--good luck to me, this is going to be really difficult!!!!!:O)
