Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Legs of steel

Scott Schwab:

I have really been getting into cycling a lot lately and have found that it is probably the most ultimate workout for the legs that there is. It works every part of the leg and even up into those buns and lower back. So I thought about a workout that could be done at the gym and partly at the home. In keeping with the 4 exercises at 4 sets and with 10 reps is the pattern that I will follow.


I have not tried a class, but here that the music and the motivation from a teacher/trainer is very effective. I personally like to set a time and see how far I can go. Keeping with Chandi's post from the other day, write down your progress as a way of personal comparison and allowing yourself a benchmark or weekly goal. Remember the longer you ride, with more intensity, the better results you will get. Beginning I would set the time at 20 minutes and ride as fast and as far as you can go. Based on your first weeks attempt, you can adjust from there. This can also be done at home if you have a bike. It doesn't have to be a road bike, although you will get much better results. However, if you have a huffy or liahona lying around, hop on and ride into the sunset.

Side Lunges

Chandi has really been working on these lately and said they are awesome. What you do is choose a distance and you will take large side steps. Extend one foot as far as comfort will allow and hold the other foot stationary until you start coming up. As you are coming up, drag the stationary foot back to the extended foot and repeat. The second set should be set with leading with the other foot that you did not lead with the first time. You will at least do 10 lunges in the distance per set. You can do more if you are feeling up to it. This will really work your butt, quads, and hamstrings. You will also notice that it will work the groin area and strengthen the calves and ankle muscles.

Wall Sits

These are great for the purpose of strengthening the butt, the lower back, the quads, and the hamstrings. Wall sits can help improve posture and strength to allow a better gait. Posture is so important and can really help benefit us as we move into our older aged years. For increased difficulty, rest a weight on your lap and keep your hand out in front of you. They are killer and you will love the tightening effect it has on your backside.


For lack of the technical term I will just call them jumps. You will get your feet together about shoulder width apart. It is important to go down as if you are going to squat weight. Keep good posture and keep your shoulders square with your eyes looking forward or up at the ceiling. As you begin to come up, explode into jumping as high as you can go and reach for the sky. This is another exercise that really works all areas of the legs, butt, and back. The speed is not the most important thing. Make sure that your jumps are effective and the slower you go down the better it is for your legs. Remember to do this 10 reps and 4 sets, in relation to the other exercises continuously.

If you are able it is great to do the bike ride first and immediately go into these other three exercises and do them continuously until you are done. It is also great at the end of this workout to really hit the abs hard. My advice for an ab workout that will rip you up. Is to squeeze a 10 pound weight between your feet and hang from the pull up bar. Lift your legs with the weight between your feet to your chest 10 times and then side to side 10 times. Do this for 4 sets and you will love the way you feel. Well not during, but after you will feel tightening like you have never felt.

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