Monday, February 8, 2010

Starting the challenge!

Today is the start date of the 8 week challenge.We will give everyone throughout this week to sign up, for those of you that are just barely aware of it. Don't forget to send your before picture in to me to be counted as a participant.You can even just have a picture of you in normal clothes, because you will still be able to see the results. We have many of you on board and this is going to be a great one!If you think about it, 1 more 8 week challenge after this and you are ready for the summer!!
Some of you asked about getting pointers along the way so we want to do that as much as we can.I want to start by helping you create a start-up plan.
Pointers to get started:
1)Create your goals on paper:Whether you have a weight goal, want to lose inches, or gain muscle. Whatever it may be write it down.

2)Write down how you plan to get there:How many days a week are you going to work out? What foods are you going to avoid? What foods are you going to try to eat more of?

3)Create your workouts:It is so good to mix it up if possible, whether it be work out videos, running outside, walking, going to the gym; make a plan that is reasonable, realistic, and will work for you and your schedule.

4)Make a journal:This may sound so lame, but for some people it really works, especially for those people who make lists. It helps you to feel more accountable.

*Here are the Goals for this week for you to tackle!!!!!(If you choose to)

*Eliminate pop completely for 8 weeks:You will have more energy(when your body get used to it) and you will notice a huge difference if you are normally a pop drinker. This includes diet.We love to get bottled waters and those single propel pouches that you can stick in it, tastes great and helps you get your water intake.

*Take your body weight and divide it by 2: Drink that many ounces of water per day. Sometimes when your body is craving water, we mistake it for hunger. Right when you wake up drink a glass of water.

*Some people may want to start with a cleanse: The Master cleanse is a perfect way to start. Even if you just do a few days.We have other cleanses listed on our blog as well.

Good luck everyone!Hope this is helpful!!!Send your pictures to


  1. Thanks so much for the helpful information. I'm wanting to do the eight week challenge, but am unsure about sending a picture. Hopefully I will get the courage up to take it and send it in this week. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I know what you mean! I was nervous too, especially when a double chin appeared in my photo, lol. But now that I've done it, I'm more motivated than ever. My hope is that when I take my after picture that double chin will have disappeared.
