Friday, February 19, 2010

Directions for the 8 week challenge

Scott Schwab:

We have had a lot of requests in reference to the 8 week challenge and what you should be doing. Each person is at a different level health and fitness wise. In our posts we try and be specific, but most of the posts have a general feel so that you can implement them. I do have a couple of ideas though if you are still wondering what you should be doing with your time.

First things first:

The most important thing is to set a routine. The routine can be different for each of you and this is why we encourage you to create your own and develop a routine that you like. For me, I have to have a specific time that I work out, or it just doesn't get done. The other important thing is to plan the week with what days I will work what muscle groups. As a general rule, you will want to give you muscles time to rest and heal. For this reason, I trade off on days with my upper body and lower body. My routine used to be M,W,F upper body, T,Th, and Sat. if I made it to the gym, my lower body. It kept things simple and was an easy routine that I could do. That way in planning my week I would choose 4 exercises per day and do 4 sets of 10 reps. This is where the past posts come in. We have posted on a lot of different exercises that you can implement at home or at the gym. Again the most important thing is to make a plan and stick to a schedule!

What to do:

Spend a little time looking through the past posts in reference to exercise. For instance, if Monday I am working my arms. I would go to the section on arms and look through exercises that would work for me based on whether I can go to the gym or work out from home. Once I found 4 exercises, I would get the dumb bells, weights, or machine that correlate and put them in a designated area. The goal is to do cycle training because you burn more fat when you rapidly go through the 4 exercises quickly, but effectively. The reason being is that you are getting your heart rate up and your forcing your body to keep going. Don't worry about bulking up. Choose lite weight and if you are looking to tone, do more reps but keep the same sets. You do not want it to be so easy that it requires no effort. As a general rule I keep it between 50-75% of my max. Also realize that the body starts burning rapid fat and calories at about the 30 minute mark. So this is why many people start with some cardio, which is always a positive thing. It also helps get the muscles warm and slowly working into your routine for the day.

Most Important:

The most essential thing is to have fun and mix it up. Muscle confusion is something that everyone talks about. Basically if you do the same routine over and over again, your body gets used to it and you are less likely to see results in the long run. This is why it is important to switch things up every 3-4 weeks. That way you are always confusing the muscles and keeping the workout interesting. I also make sure that I work my core everyday. The reason, is that it is the largest muscle group besides your legs and potentially can help burn the most fat. See when you use large muscle groups, your body will release more fat burning agents and this is why weight training is essential for weight loss. Again it is not for bulking and you simply want to keep the weight in the 50-75% range. Also you must drink a lot of water and avoid the sugar drinks. Oxygen is critical for any exercise or workout and having the formula H2O in the mix will give you the hydration and oxygen for your muscles to perform.

Helpful Hints:

On a final note, take some time on Saturday or Sunday to sit down and look at your schedule for the week. Schedule your workout into a slot and do not move it. It is your time and gives you many more benefits then just health. Remember to schedule your priorities, not prioritize your schedule. If it is important, then you will find the time to get it done. Use the past posts to decide what you are going to do. Chandi has talked about the benefit of using a journal, and I would agree. It is helpful to see where you have been, so that you can accurately know where you are going. Write down your routine for the week based on how many days you will exercise and then hand pick the exercises that you will do for that day. You can also spend a Wednesday and do something fun like playing racquetball or basketball or going for a run outside. The main thing is that you are active and doing things that you enjoy, so that you keep going back for more. If you have any specific questions please let us know.

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