Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pace Maker

Scott Schwab:

Now that all of the photos are in and everyone has started I thought that I would speak on a subject that affects us all. Setting a pace for something often foreshadows the result. If you are already wishing that you were not doing the 8 week challenge, then we need to find something that you can relate too. This past weekend was the weekend of love and I am sure that we all took the chance to eat a little sweet or two, and possibly indulged. I hope you have not given up on the challenge because of one weekend performance. It is important to celebrate and it can give you something to look forward too, as well as giving your body and mind a temporary release or escape. Lets face it, it is much harder keeping a schedule and doing something that is not natural, then doing what we always do. If we always do what we have done, we will not see results and our growth will be limited. However, taking the time to set new things for your body and mind, will actually keep you healthier from a mental standpoint and a physical standpoint. Now I am not talking about yo-yo dieting. I am speaking about making a pace and sticking with a consistent theme of improvement. One thing that I have learned through the challenges, is how to challenge myself. I do not claim to be perfect with my diet or even exercise. I am better though, than I was 6 months ago, in my commitment and desires. That has translated into results and motivation for improvement. We hope that you realize that improvement comes through incremental adjustments. My dad once told me in reference to improving ones health through weight goals, that it takes about as long to lose it as it does to put it on. Now this may not be the case in all scenarios and may even be discouraging for some. On the contrary, this should give us hope for tomorrow and the next day. Because we can always be improving! Like a house, we can build a strong foundation and then see the progress every day, week, and month. So take this time to plan out what results you want and if we can help you get there, let us know. It will require sacrifice, but no more sacrifice then what we give to our livelihood as we live a sedentary lifestyle. We wanted to give everyone a week to make the small adjustments in their life, and officially we started yesterday. We have all of the pictures of those listed and this will be the group going forward. If you haven't given up soda, lets get that done this week. Diet is soda as well! One participant has informed me that it has been a week and a half with no pop. It was extremely difficult and even brought headaches, but now he is clean. Be a drinking water machine. It is important that you are liquefied through your process. We always say half your weight in ounces, but that doesn't have to be tomorrow. Work your way up to it so it is a natural way of life. Finally make sure that you are consistent with exercise. There are so many options. I have heard of some that do the wii fit, others that do home videos, and still others that go to the gym. The important things to remember is limit your intake as it applies to caloric intake. Burn as many calories in a day as possible through exercise and activity. Finally study what is best for your body, through reading material, talking to others, and best of all self study. This week be consistent with what you set and have a victory. Large victories are really just the accumulation of daily victories.

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