Monday, February 22, 2010

Good, Better, Best

Scott Schwab:

I wanted to post on the idea of continual improvement in increments. The goal of course is to look at where you have been and make the improvements that are sustainable and lasting. In reference to our time constraints, there are things that we have to do, things we want to do, and things we need to do. With the planning that takes place in a exercise routine, we need to look at the amount of time we are allotted in a day and schedule the time that we will be in our workout mode. On any given day you may have to switch and adjust your time into the categories, but the basic thought is to make the plan at the first of the week. I know it is annoying and some what monotonous, but it will help and give you more of a probability to have success. You will not always have the motivation to go to the gym or exercise, but if you set the time around your schedule and a predetermined commitment, usually you will get it done. Now that does not take into account the things that randomly come up and that is why it is also important to have a back up plan. Having something at home to do is helpful when those events come up.

Weekly hints:

Its time to get serious about the challenge and it will require a big commitment. This week work on eliminating soda out of your life. Even diet. You may say you need it to function, but there are other things that you can do to replace the caffeine or sugar. The biggest complaint I here is that people drink pop for energy. If you are looking for energy look for a timed release protein that will naturally feed the body energy when adrenaline levels decrease. If you are in need of some great tasting, highly effective protein, let us know and we will get it to you for our discount. Also working out is a great way to get energy. The best way to get energy is to expend energy. Make sure that you are not paying attention to the scale, because at this point you are still getting into the routine. Focus on the consistency of what you have planned for yourself and start eliminating unhealthy habits. Another great idea and it may take some time, but if you are eating out more then twice in a week, start the process of scaling back. That processed food will kill you. Finally make sure that you are eating every two hours to keep your metabolism working overtime and to keep your body satisfied.

Weekly Task:

Get in the pool and spend 30 minutes swimming. Even if you do not swim continuously, walk or run in the water. Remember the resistance is 768 times what you would experience out of the water.

Push ups and sit ups. Based on your current fitness level do 50 push ups and 100 sit ups in the morning and the evening before you go to bed. After your nightly routine do some stretching to help loosen your body. You will sleep better.

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