Friday, February 12, 2010

Be Healthy with Love

Scott Schwab:

We have done posts before about how being happy makes one healthier. We have also talked about how a smile can induce endorphins and make the mental health of individuals increase. Ultimately it relates to love and relationships. With this weekend being the weekend of Love, focus on what love is and how you can increase the love for life. Know that there are huge returns for people who love life, love others, and love self. I wanted to touch on a couple of things that might help with the health aspect. Realize that everything in life is attitude. How we perceive life allows us opportunities or excuses, depending upon how you look at it. Are you a person who lives based on optimism or pessimism? This relates to love in so many ways. Do you view your relationship through the eyes of opportunities to serve, to help, to love, and to heal? There are times in relationships where people get hurt. Things we say or do can take away from how special relationships are or how they function. However, hurting does take healing. If we look at a relationship as our significant others happiness is more important then our own, we will have a healthy relationship. However, it does have to be both people. I shy away from saying that a relationship is 50/50 split, because based on our lives we may have to give 80 at times, and only able to give 40 at other times. The purpose is making it work and being committed. Just like the goals we make in fitness, relationships function best when commitments are kept. So from the love side of things, make some commitments to love more, to give more, and keep the commitments that you have made. Your health will improve and your life will improve immensely. Here is a related article from someone who knows a lot more about love and the effects that it has on your health.

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