Thursday, October 7, 2010

What motivates You?

Experts say that a healthy diet should be coupled with a balanced workout program in order to keep extra pounds at bay. Rather than view an exercise session as a chore, why not explore ways to make it fun? Read on to learn how to turn exercise into a positive addiction.

•1 Work out to music: Invest in an iPod if you don't already have one. Studies show that people who work out to music tend to stick with their program long-term. Choose upbeat songs that inspire and motivate you and compile your own play lists. If you're a lifelong learner, download pod casts or audio books instead. Listen and learn while you pedal the stationary bike or rack up miles on the treadmill.

•2 Take a class in something new: Gyms, yoga centers and dance studios usually offer a free introductory class. This is a perfect way to see if Pilates, spinning, or power yoga is something you'd be interested in. Too busy to take a class? Browse at the library or a nearby store for workout DVDs, and check out some new moves in the comfort of your own living room.

•3 Buy yourself nice looking workout clothes: including sports bras and shoes. It's easier to get enthused about being active when you're dressed for the part.

•4 Hit the great outdoors: Bicycle, speed walk or hike outside one or two days a week instead of limiting your workout to a gym or dance class. Being around nature is restorative and energizing at the same time.

•5 Find a workout buddy: If you enjoy walking, get a neighbor to go with you a few mornings a week, or suggest a walk to a co-worker during lunch hour. Cycle with a group on Saturday mornings, or join a hiking club to explore local trails.

•6 Participate in a 10K, charity walkathon or bike race: Choose an event two or three months away to train for. Knowing you'll be competing (even if the prize is nothing more than a tee shirt) adds an objective to your workout.

(By: Claire Bush, e.How contributor)

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