Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Zach Taylor
The 8 week challenge has been success. I am currently in a weight training class that is great and I know that I am getting the lifting that I wanted. I have learned some great Ab workouts that are great for slimming down. I have been consistent which was important. I would like to improve on eliminating soda, but have reduced my original intake.

Deena Taylor
Things have been pretty good. I have made improvements and getting out with the kids has been enjoyable. I have reduced my portion sizes and have reduced my snacks to once a day. I have more energy and feel that it relates to my activity level and spending time with the kids each day. I got a new outfit that I am excited to wear as my goal. My improvements would come in the form of Ab workouts and continuing to reduce my portion size. I need to eat heavy in the morning so I can have a more consistent day. I will also work with the concept of eating 6 small meals per day.

Daric Hartle
The 8 week challenge has been a struggle. I have had little time and continue to have more things on my daily task list then I can complete. I have cut back on my sugars, breads, and portion size. I need to find time to exercise longer. Getting to bed earlier would be something that would be beneficial and allow me more energy to do the things I need and want to do.

Sheri Schwab
I have not been as diligent with my piano practicing and walking as much as I had wanted to. I am however, making the point to take the stairs over the elevator and parking further away so I can walk further. I have lost 2 pounds at this point and would like to continue my focus in this area. I have been doing well with getting up earlier and having more productive days. I would like to improve in all areas, but have an additional focus on my walking and exercise.

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