Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quote of the day`

Scott Schwab:

I am currently reading a phenomenal book that I wanted to pass on to everyone. It is a book that looks at the relationship between ownership mentality and victim thinking. There are so many great parts to this book and I promise you that you will enjoy the read. Ownership Spirit, The One Grand Key That Changes Everything Else, by Dennis Deaton will change your thinking. It is worth having on your shelf, so go and pick it up.

This week is our half way point in the challenge. I am sure that there are many things that can be celebrated, and other things that we could improve upon. The main goal is to take responsibility and move forward. If you haven't done well, who cares, you have four more weeks to get it right. Do not quit or give up, because that can and will become a habit. One of the great lessons in this book is looking at each situation and taking ownership of it, rather then being the victim. This especially applies as time gets closer to you having to submit an after picture and writing a post. There have been too many cases where the person says, well this or that happened so I didn't do anything. Or I just don't have the time to keep up with something like this. Well our goal is not perfection, it is improvement. So if you had a couple of bowls of ice cream or cake, or even had a night out where you ate your heart out. You learned something and can adjust.

This week we will be doing the check in for the half way point. Participants just prepare a paragraph and send it to Chandi or I about how you have done, where you have excelled, and an area that you would like to improve. It is just a check in and will not take you very long at all. Thanks for all your help and making this fun.


The consummate truth of life is that

we alter our destiny by altering our thoughts.

The mind is our most crucial faculty, our crowning asset,

our ultimate arena of battle.

-Dennis Deaton-

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