Friday, October 8, 2010

The Energy of our words.....

Scott Schwab:
I have recently been looking at the vocabulary that I use and wondered; what if anything were behind my words? I began thinking about one of the most basic set of conflicting words. Yes and No. I thought to myself, is there a difference between saying yes or saying no? Do certain people find themselves saying one more than another? Also are there any health benefits and or detriments based on our word choice?
The average person hears the word no from the time they are a child through their teens over 460,000 times. I thought that was amazing and probably true since we tell our 3 year old son "no" about 100 times per day. The fact is, in many cases we become conditioned to think no, cant, impossible, and unattainable. The fact that we have heard the word so often becomes a preconditioned response when venturing out and trying new things. Everything begins as a thought and then is manifested in our speech, and finally followed by an action.
With this knowledge I started looking at the responses that I give to others and especially the self-talk that I give myself. I have been consciously working on replacing the no's and the debilitating factors of the word. What if we could replace the word no with yes? On the plain of our conversations, we can look for yes instead of no.
For example try replacing the word no with a situational yes. No, I will not go and work out tonight. Replace this with yes I will take a needed break and focus on eating healthy. Now this might be the stretch, but stay with me. By avoiding the no's and the consequential negativity, you are still saying the same thing, but the negative energy is not transmitted.
Whether or not you believe in energy and the transferring of it through our words. One thing is for sure, whatever we think about most, transmits into action. We draw things into our life. Many times this is done through and by the words we choose to use. So rather then transferring that no to the workout, or the food, or the relationship; find a way to replace it by using a yes, or I will, or I can.
Consider This:

Neurotransmitters- are chemical messengers that "speak" to the cells, tissues, and organ systems of the body, telling them what to do and at what rate to do it.

Because we control our thoughts, thinking in a way that is encouraging, positive, or through the lenses of the yes glasses, we can impact our mind and body positively. Specific thoughts generate a specific neurotransmitter (or transmitter set) which, in turn, has a specific impact on the body. It is important to know that thoughts can elevate or depress activity in the immune system. Many of us know how essential the immune system is in the overall health perspective, but I for one, had not thought about the impacts that our thoughts have on our immune system. Think great and encouraging thoughts and begin changing the no's into YES!

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