Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The one true way to getting results

Scott Schwab
Getting results requires many things. We know that results will require an investment of some kind. Many times it is time, talents, resources, energy. All these investments are valuable to acknowledge and are important to know what a situation will require. The one factor that is the biggest difference maker for success or failure is CHANGE.
Most of us don't like it, and on average most of us avoid it. When you think about it in reference to health, we know that many plans, diets, and groups don't work out because participants go back to their lifestyle. So it would be safe to suggest that if we really want results we need to focus on the effects of change.
For a change to occur, one must know where they are starting from and have a knowledge of where they are desiring to be. For example if you want to be in shape, you observe those who are in shape and devise a plan to get there. This may require you to talk to them to see what they do, or what they eat, or how long they work out. The one thing that is evident is that there must be a change from where you currently are.
The key then is to focus on change. Not from the standpoint that it is inconvenient and that we will be uncomfortable, but that we are empowered and able to make changes in our lives. The importance of making changes is survival. We cannot and will not be able to succeed if we are not willing to change. The main reason is because life is comfortable and subconsciously there really is no need for the change.

5 tips to change
1) Make a plan
2) Set specific goals
3) Eliminate mental retreats
4) Incorporate a positive environment
5) Be consistent no matter what
All of these tips can be implemented in whatever the change you are trying to accomplish. Making a plan allows for the thought that becomes an action to become a plan for achievement. Setting goals helps you to incorporate benchmarks and serves as a great guide for implementing a reward system. Eliminating the mental retreats requires you to look at yourself and plan for the inevitable excuses, reasons, and mental change of dealing with the adjustment. Incorporating a positive environment starts with the way that you "self talk" or encourage yourself. Remember to be a yes person as apposed to a no person. Also tell yourself that you can and will do it! Finally consistency is king. If you have set up the prior four, the fifth tip will come naturally. If you hold yourself accountable, you will always get better results. There is no room for defeat when you properly set yourself up for success.
The five P's
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

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